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Riviere Monique
21 Rue Fontaine Pastour



1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €55






Description for B&B:

The description can be rewritten as:
- A vibrant orange room furnished with two twin beds measuring 90 centimeters each.
- A charming pink room featuring a single bed measuring 140 centimeters.
- A calming blue room equipped with a cozy bed measuring 90 centimeters.


Appréciations pour Le "Puits de Sichar", Verines:

Review by: Hélène & Marc, Sep 26 2010 6:16PM
trés bon accueil, bonne situation géographique, tranquille, reposant.
A recommander

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Please refer to the itinerary provided at:



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 55 330 OUI




  • La Rochelle (12.4 km): Located on the Atlantic coast, La Rochelle is a picturesque port city known for its historic architecture, vibrant waterfront, and impressive maritime heritage. Explore the medieval towers, visit the famous aquarium, or stroll along the beautiful Old Port.
  • Île de Ré (22.3 km): A stunning island connected to the mainland by a bridge, Île de Ré offers sandy beaches, charming villages, and a relaxed atmosphere. Discover its salt marshes, cycle along the dedicated bike paths, and indulge in delicious seafood.
  • Rochefort (32.7 km): A town steeped in maritime history, Rochefort is renowned for its naval shipyards and the magnificent replica of the frigate Hermione. Explore the Corderie Royale, a former rope-making factory, and visit the National Maritime Museum.
  • Cognac (45.9 km): Famous worldwide for its production of Cognac brandy, this town is home to numerous distilleries and storied cognac houses. Take a guided tour, learn about the distillation process, and sample some of the finest spirits in the region.
  • Saintes (54.5 km): With a rich Roman heritage, Saintes boasts well-preserved ancient ruins, including an impressive amphitheater and an archaeological museum. Explore the charming Old Town, visit the Saintes Cathedral, and enjoy the peaceful Charente River.
  • Palmyre Zoo (57.2 km): Located near Royan, Palmyre Zoo is one of the most popular zoos in France. Home to over 1,600 animals from around the world, including tigers, elephants, and giraffes, it offers an exciting day out for families and nature enthusiasts.
  • Puy du Fou (121 km): Although slightly further away, Puy du Fou is worth a visit for its exceptional historical theme park. Experience captivating shows and reenactments that transport you through different eras, from the Roman Empire to the Middle Ages. Please note that distances are approximate and may vary depending on the specific route taken.

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