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Gerard Pennachi
3 Rue du Conseu
Aureille Provence Les Alpilles


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Price per week:

price from €350




Description for B&B:

Description for Gite

This 1-bedroom furnished gite is located near St Remy de Pce, Les Baux, Arles, the Camargue, and the Luberon, offering easy access to various attractions and only 30 minutes from the beaches. The gite features a ceiling fan in the bedroom and kitchen, a sofa facing the television, a WC, and a bathroom. The weekly rate is 300 euros, with heating being an additional cost if needed during low and medium seasons. For the months of July and August, the weekly rate is 400 euros. Bookings for 2011 can be made now at the same rates. To make a reservation, please call us at [phone number]. Additionally, every year in the month of August, there is a parade in the village of Aureille featuring CHARETTO ramado, draft horses, folk groups, cowboys, The Condor, and more. The parade is followed by a blessing ceremony and alfresco dining. The gite is furnished with a kitchen, WC, bathroom, and a large terrace with a vine-covered pergola on the first floor. Enjoy panoramic views of the Chateau from the gite.


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To reach Eygalières, Avignon, Cavaillon, and Aureille, follow the executive management route.



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Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Holiday Home 1 350 450




  • Saint-Rémy-de-Provence: Located about 9 kilometers northeast of Aureille, Saint-Rémy-de-Provence is a charming Provençal town known for its picturesque streets, historical sites, and vibrant art scene. Explore the Van Gogh trail, visit the Saint-Paul de Mausole monastery where Van Gogh was treated, and wander through the town's lively markets.
  • Les Baux-de-Provence: Situated approximately 14 kilometers southwest of Aureille, Les Baux-de-Provence is a stunning medieval village perched on a rocky outcrop. Admire the panoramic views, stroll through the narrow streets lined with stone houses, and visit the imposing ruins of the Château des Baux-de-Provence.
  • Carrières de Lumières: Located within the heart of Les Baux-de-Provence, the Carrières de Lumières is a unique cultural site that offers immersive art exhibitions. Step into former limestone quarries transformed into a multimedia art space, where vibrant projections of famous artworks are projected onto the walls, floors, and ceilings.
  • Fontaine-de-Vaucluse: Located approximately 38 kilometers northeast of Aureille, Fontaine-de-Vaucluse is a picturesque village nestled at the foot of a dramatic cliff. The highlight of the village is the mysterious spring at its center, which is one of the largest in the world. Enjoy a scenic walk along the river, visit the Museum of Santon, and marvel at the beautiful natural surroundings.
  • Avignon: Situated about 42 kilometers northwest of Aureille, Avignon is a historic city renowned for its well-preserved medieval walls and the Palais des Papes (Palace of the Popes). Visit the UNESCO World Heritage-listed Palais des Papes, stroll through the charming streets of the old town, and explore the Pont d'Avignon (Avignon Bridge) spanning the Rhône River.
  • Arles: Located approximately 25 kilometers southeast of Aureille, Arles is a captivating city that boasts a rich Roman heritage. Marvel at the exceptionally preserved Roman amphitheater, visit the ancient theater, and explore the UNESCO-listed Romanesque Saint-Trophime Church. Don't miss the opportunity to discover the places that inspired Vincent Van Gogh during his time in Arles.
  • Camargue Nature Reserve: Situated approximately 50 kilometers southwest of Aureille, the Camargue Nature Reserve is a unique wetland area known for its wild and untouched landscapes. Take a guided tour or go on a safari to observe the diverse flora and fauna, including wild horses, pink flamingos, and black bulls, in their natural habitat.
  • Marseille: Located about 85 kilometers southeast of Aureille, Marseille is a vibrant coastal city with a rich history and cultural diversity. Explore the picturesque Vieux Port (Old Port), visit the iconic Notre-Dame de la Garde Basilica, and wander through the narrow streets of the Le Panier neighborhood. Enjoy delicious seafood, soak up the Mediterranean atmosphere, and discover the city's maritime heritage. These attractions offer a range of experiences, from exploring historical sites and art exhibitions to enjoying natural beauty and vibrant city life.

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