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Benoît Spriet
Le Bourg
Mandeville en Bessin



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Price per night:

price from €506






Description for B&B:

Situated in the picturesque village of Mandeville-en-Bessin, just 14 km from Bayeux and 10 km from the famous Landing Beaches, the ESTATE OF THE COURT VAUTIER warmly welcomes you to a peaceful retreat. This charming farmhouse, adorned with 19th-century elegance, has been meticulously renovated to provide three spacious and comfortable accommodations. Each room is individually decorated with great care and boasts delightful bedding, ensuring a restful stay. Additionally, guests can enjoy a well-appointed bathroom with separate toilet, as well as TV and internet access.

For communal use, we offer a fully-equipped kitchen with a dining area, a cozy living room, and a charming dining room where breakfast is served. Outside, you will find private parking, a lovely orchard with a petanque court, and a courtyard with garden furniture, all at your disposal.

Our prime location allows you to easily explore the Lower Normandy beaches and historic landing sites, as well as discover the region's exceptional heritage, including the Bayeux Cathedral and Tapestry, Mont-Saint-Michel, and Honfleur. Moreover, you can indulge in the gastronomic delights of the area, savoring the rich culinary offerings, while enjoying the diverse and picturesque landscapes that surround you.

Description for Gite

On the other hand, our charming self-catering accommodation, situated in a former farmhouse, provides a tranquil and rejuvenating stay, allowing guests to enjoy absolute independence amidst the beautiful orchard. With its delightful terrace, expansive garden equipped with a playground and cozy deckchairs, as well as private parking, our accommodation boasts 4 comfortable bedrooms, a spacious living-dining area, a fully-equipped kitchen, a refreshing shower room, and separate toilet facilities.


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If you are traveling on RN13 from Caen, take the Vaucelles, Tour-en-Bessin exit. Continue through Tour-en-Bessin and Mosles, and then make a left turn towards Trévières. After driving for about 3.5 km, take a left turn at Mandeville-en-Bessin (look for the church). The Domaine de la Court Vautier is located 200m after the church on the left side.

If you are coming from Cherbourg on RN13, take the Trévières exit. Proceed through Trévières towards Bayeux and after driving for approximately 2km, make a right turn at Mandeville-en-Bessin (church). The Domaine de la Court Vautier is situated 200m after the church on the left side.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 506 506 23 oui
Notes: Basic price is for 10 people




  • Omaha Beach (Plage d'Omaha) Omaha Beach is a historic site located near Le Bourg in Mandeville en Bessin. It was one of the landing sites during the D-Day invasion of Normandy in World War II, and now serves as a memorial to the soldiers who fought there. Visitors can explore the beach, visit the nearby American Cemetery, and learn about the historic events that took place.
  • Bayeux Tapestry (Tapisserie de Bayeux) The Bayeux Tapestry is a fascinating attraction located in the nearby town of Bayeux. It is an embroidered cloth that depicts the events leading up to the Norman conquest of England in 1066. Visitors can admire the intricate details of this 70-meter-long tapestry and learn about the historical significance of the Norman invasion.
  • Mont Saint-Michel Although a bit further away, Mont Saint-Michel is a must-visit attraction in Normandy. It is an iconic medieval abbey situated on a rocky island, surrounded by picturesque bay waters. Visitors can explore the narrow streets, visit the abbey, and enjoy breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. The unique architecture and stunning scenery make it a popular destination for tourists.
  • Caen Memorial Museum (Mémorial de Caen) The Caen Memorial Museum is a comprehensive museum dedicated to the history of World War II and the D-Day invasion. It provides a detailed account of the war's origins, major events, and aftermath. Visitors can explore the interactive exhibits, watch documentaries, and gain a deeper understanding of this significant period in history.
  • Juno Beach Centre Located near Courseulles-sur-Mer, the Juno Beach Centre is a museum and memorial dedicated to the Canadian contribution to the D-Day landings. It offers a unique perspective on the Canadian soldiers' experiences during the war. The museum showcases artifacts, films, and personal stories, providing a moving tribute to those who fought and died for freedom.
  • Arromanches-les-Bains Arromanches-les-Bains is a coastal town known for its artificial Mulberry Harbour, which played a crucial role in the Allied invasion of Normandy. Visitors can explore the remnants of the harbor, visit the D-Day Museum, and learn about the logistical challenges faced during the landings. The town also offers beautiful beaches and charming seaside cafés.
  • Pointe du Hoc Pointe du Hoc is a cliff-top promontory overlooking the English Channel, located between Utah and Omaha Beaches. This site was a German stronghold during World War II and was captured by American Rangers during the D-Day landings. Visitors can explore the bunkers, craters, and remnants of the fortifications, providing a vivid glimpse into the intensity of the battle.
  • Château de Fontaine-Henry Situated in Fontaine-Henry, this 13th-century castle is a well-preserved architectural gem. Visitors can explore its medieval towers, picturesque gardens, and interior rooms filled with antique furniture and artwork. The castle also hosts various cultural events throughout the year, making it a delightful destination for history and culture enthusiasts.
  • Bayeux Cathedral (Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Bayeux) Bayeux Cathedral is a magnificent example of Norman Gothic architecture located in the heart of Bayeux. The cathedral dates back to the 11th century and features stunning stained glass windows, intricate sculptures, and a peaceful atmosphere. Visitors can admire its grandeur, attend mass services, or explore the nearby Bishop's Palace. 10. Pegasus Bridge Museum Located in Ranville, the Pegasus Bridge Museum commemorates the famous British airborne operation during the early hours of D-Day. The museum displays artifacts, photographs, and a life-size replica of a Horsa glider used in the operation. Visitors can learn about the bravery and strategic significance of this mission, which played a crucial role in the success of the invasion.

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