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Christine Loste
Mont Béné


3 reviews

Price per night:

price from €70






Description for B&B:

Situated in the picturesque Green Valley, Le Logis de la Marmotte provides guests with a breathtaking view that encompasses both Lake Geneva and Mont Blanc. This charming house is conveniently located just 30 minutes away from both Geneva and Thonon. Each room is equipped with its own private toilet and bathroom amenities, ensuring a comfortable stay. Whether you are seeking an active vacation filled with various sports and cultural activities, or simply wish to unwind and relax in a tranquil environment, this place has it all. Additionally, upon reservation, guests can indulge in a delightful meal prepared by Patrick, a certified mountain guide and chef. Patrick is also available to offer suggestions and advice on mountain excursions, and can even arrange special discovery days including activities such as foraging and cooking with wild plants, observing wildlife, snowshoeing, and experiencing trapper-style outings.


Appréciations pour Logis de la Marmotte, Saxel:

Trés bien
Review by: kuster , Sep 24 2015 11:13AM
Chambre fonctionnelle, propre, très bonne literie! Très bon accueil , simple, disponible, pas de contrainte, acceptant les animaux (la famille en a quelques uns) , très belle vue , bonne situation , très calme, que dire de plus ...Bravo
A conseiller
Review by: GUIRAUDET Laurent, Aou 5 2015 9:57PM
Lors de notre week end en Hte Savoie
les 25 et 26 Juillet, nous avons étés trés bien accueillis et avons pû partager un exellent repas.
Un petit déjeuner trés copieux, avec un jus d'abricots maison exellent.
Encore merci pour votre gentillesse votre acceuil, et tous les bons conseils que vous nous avez donnés.
Review by: GERVAIS, Nov 9 2014 8:22PM
Nous recommandons cette maison d hôtes, très bonne literie, petit déjeuner copieux et accueil chaleureux. propriétaires super sympathiques.

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To get there, take Exit A40 and head towards No. 15 Green Valley. Follow the signs for Bridge Fillinges, Boëge, and Saxel. Once you pass through the village, continue towards Saxel Bons en Chablais. Take the first right after the pass, and you will arrive at Mount Bene.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 70 10 oui
(3 pers.)
1 80 oui


Animals Allowed


  • Mont Béné: Situated in Saxel, Mont Béné is a prominent tourist attraction in itself. This beautiful mountain offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape, making it a popular spot for hiking and nature lovers.
  • Yvoire: Located approximately 11 kilometers from Saxel, Yvoire is a charming medieval village nestled on the shores of Lake Geneva. Known for its well-preserved architecture, narrow streets, and flower-filled gardens, Yvoire is a picturesque destination for a leisurely stroll and exploration.
  • Château de Ripaille: Situated in Thonon-les-Bains, around 20 kilometers from Saxel, Château de Ripaille is a stunning castle dating back to the 14th century. Surrounded by beautiful gardens and vineyards, this historical site offers guided tours and wine tastings, providing visitors with a glimpse into the region's rich heritage.
  • Evian-les-Bains: Located around 30 kilometers from Saxel, Evian-les-Bains is a renowned spa town famous for its mineral water. Visitors can explore the town's elegant promenades, enjoy the scenic views of Lake Geneva, and even indulge in spa treatments at the luxurious Evian Resort.
  • Thonon-les-Bains: Positioned approximately 25 kilometers from Saxel, Thonon-les-Bains is another delightful town on the shores of Lake Geneva. It is known for its impressive Château de Chillon, a medieval fortress that offers stunning views of the lake and the surrounding Alps.
  • Lavaux Vineyards: Located in Switzerland, but easily accessible from Saxel, the Lavaux Vineyards are a UNESCO World Heritage site. Stretching along the shores of Lake Geneva, these terraced vineyards offer panoramic views and the opportunity to sample exquisite local wines.
  • Château de Chillon: Positioned in Veytaux, Switzerland, Château de Chillon is a magnificent castle located on the shores of Lake Geneva. With its rich history, stunning architecture, and picturesque setting, it is one of Switzerland's most visited historic landmarks.
  • Lausanne: Situated approximately 50 kilometers from Saxel, Lausanne is a vibrant city known for its Olympic Museum, medieval Old Town, and beautiful lakeside promenades. Explore its cultural attractions, enjoy its lively atmosphere, and take in the breathtaking views of Lake Geneva.
  • Annecy: Located around 60 kilometers from Saxel, Annecy is a charming town known as the "Venice of the Alps." Its picturesque canals, well-preserved old town, and stunning Lake Annecy make it a popular destination for tourists seeking natural beauty and cultural heritage. 10. Montreux: Positioned roughly 70 kilometers from Saxel, Montreux is a captivating town on the shores of Lake Geneva. Renowned for its annual jazz festival, stunning lakeside promenade, and the iconic Château de Chillon, Montreux offers a blend of natural beauty and cultural attractions. These tourist attractions near Saxel offer a diverse range of experiences, from exploring historical castles and charming villages to enjoying breathtaking natural landscapes and indulging in local cuisine and wines.

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