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Louise Raspail
D191a La Montagne


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price from €728






Description for B&B:

Nestled amidst lush greenery along a winding road on the hill, you will find our charming gîte "du Grand Delmas" at an altitude of 680 m. This historic Protestant peasant farm, surrounded by enchanting forests, meadows, and vibrant wild daffodils in May, immediately captivates with its natural allure. As you gaze out, your eyes will be greeted by the vast expanse stretching from left to right: one of the three majestic peaks, the Veyou, followed by the towering Couspeau mountain and the awe-inspiring Angèle and Mièlandre. Inspired by the highest point (1544 m above sea level) of the Couspeau massif, we proudly named our gîte "Le Grand Delmas". This transformed, cozy sanctuary serves as a welcoming and comfortable retreat, where this family home and its picturesque surroundings foster beautiful moments of togetherness, happiness, and friendship. Whether you arrive with your family or a group of friends, our gîte can accommodate up to 12 people. We extend a warm welcome to you and encourage you to delight in this blissful place.

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Holiday Home 1 195 728 1500


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  • Château de Bourdeaux: Located in the town of Bourdeaux, this medieval castle is a major tourist attraction. Visitors can explore its well-preserved architecture, towers, and stunning views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Village of La Garde-Adhémar: Situated just a short distance from Bourdeaux, this charming hilltop village is known for its medieval streets, fortified walls, and a beautiful 12th-century Romanesque church.
  • Le Jardin des Herbes: Located in La Garde-Adhémar, this botanical garden offers a delightful experience for nature lovers. It features a wide variety of aromatic plants, herbs, and flowers, as well as stunning views of the village and surrounding landscapes.
  • Château de Grignan: Situated about 20 kilometers from Bourdeaux, this imposing Renaissance castle is famous for its association with the famous French author, Madame de Sévigné. Visitors can explore its grand interiors, beautiful gardens, and enjoy panoramic views of the Drôme Provençale region.
  • Domaine de Montine: Located in Grignan, this renowned winery offers visitors the opportunity to taste and purchase a variety of exceptional Côtes du Rhône wines. Guided tours of the vineyards and wine cellars are also available.
  • Château de Suze-la-Rousse: Situated approximately 30 kilometers from Bourdeaux, this impressive fortress-turned-castle is now home to a wine university and a wine museum. Visitors can explore its historic rooms, gardens, and learn about the viticulture heritage of the region.
  • Nyons: Known as the "Olive Capital" of France, this picturesque town is worth a visit for its charming Provençal atmosphere and its famous olive groves. Visitors can stroll through the narrow streets, visit the olive oil mills, and indulge in delicious local products.
  • Les Gorges de l'Ardèche: Located a bit further away, these stunning natural gorges are a must-see for outdoor enthusiasts. Visitors can enjoy activities like canoeing, kayaking, or simply admire the breathtaking views and rock formations along the Ardèche River.
  • Mont Ventoux: This iconic mountain, often referred to as the "Giant of Provence," offers spectacular views from its summit. It is a popular destination for hiking, cycling, and even skiing during the winter months. 10. Pont d'Arc: Situated near the entrance of the Ardèche Gorges, this natural stone arch bridge is a remarkable sight. Visitors can enjoy the scenic drive to the bridge and take in the beauty of the surrounding landscapes. Please note that distances and accessibility may vary, so it is advisable to check the exact locations and opening hours of each attraction before planning your visit.

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