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Isabelle et Daniel Debrus
Le moulin du Barthas


2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €318




Description for B&B:

Welcome to Moulin du Barthas, our charming home nestled in the heart of the Regional Natural Reserve of High Languedoc. As your hosts, Isabelle and Daniel, we are delighted to welcome you and introduce you to our wonderful family. Alongside our two children, Manon and Bastien, we live a fulfilling life as farmers, tending to our cherished flock of sheep.

If you are yearning for a countryside escape to rejuvenate your mind and soul, then look no further. Our property offers two cozy gites and two comfortable bed-and-breakfast accommodations, all of which have been awarded the prestigious "Gîtes de France" quality label. This assures you that our lodgings are meticulously maintained and thoughtfully appointed, with a rating of 3 earns of corn.

Immerse yourself in the tranquility and serenity of our surroundings, where nature's bounty generously gifts us with a peaceful retreat. Here, you will have ample time to unwind, allowing yourself to indulge in leisurely moments and rediscover the vibrant fauna and flora that grace our picturesque valleys.

Furthermore, we extend a warm invitation for your children to experience the joys of our farm. They will delight in interacting with our friendly animals, witnessing the miraculous birth of lambs, and even nurturing these adorable creatures.

At Moulin du Barthas, we strive to create an unforgettable stay for our guests, ensuring that you leave with cherished memories and a renewed sense of vitality. Welcome to our idyllic abode, where the wonders of nature and the warmth of our hospitality intertwine.


Appréciations pour Le Moulin du Barthas, Montredon-Labessonnie:

Complêtement charmée par cet endroit
Review by: Chantal LUBRANO, Sep 26 2014 7:00PM
Découvert il y a plus de 10 ans, nous avons été impressionnés par ce lieu et par ces gens vraiment sympas la table d'hôte, un vrai délice, et l'agneau du patron hummmm, en juin, découvrir les environs, les petits marchés.. Les cueillettes de champignons en automne, c'est vraiment un petit coin de nature paisible, tout ce que nous recherchions. D'ailleurs on envisage de venir s'établir dans la région. Nous sommes suisse ......
superbe lieu permettant les découvertes de la région
Review by: loli et gerard Bret, Juin 25 2014 7:03PM
Nous avons été invités à un mariage à Vabre dans le Tarn.
Notre choix s'est porté sur le Moulin du Barthas où l'accueil nous a paru très sympathique, on s'y sent bien tout de suite.
une petite rivière donne le charme à la propriété ainsi qu'un troupeau de jeunes moutons bêlants au crépuscule.
Sous le soleil cette campagne est à couper le souffle.
Nous sommes repartis sous la pluie tout à fait conquis. Il y avait comme quelque chose d'irréel, peut être est ce la saison....
De plus, nous avons découvert l'histoire des Huguenots, le temple de Vabre et le musée à Ferrière,

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Upon arriving from Albi, proceed to follow the directions towards Realmont, and then continue following the signs towards Montredon-Labessonnié.

Once you reach the village of Montredon-Labessonnié, take the MINOR ROAD 89 (CD 89) in the direction of Vabre - Saint-Pierre de Trivisy. Stay on this road for approximately 4 kilometers until you reach Bellegarde.

After passing through Bellegarde, take the third left turn. Look out for the arrow sign indicating "Moulin du Barthas" and follow it for 2.2 kilometers. You will find us at the end of this road.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 318 318 oui
(3 pers.)
3 70 70




  • Albi Cathedral: Located in the nearby city of Albi, this magnificent Gothic cathedral is a UNESCO World Heritage site. It features stunning architecture, intricate carvings, and beautiful stained glass windows.
  • Toulouse-Lautrec Museum: Situated in Albi, this museum is dedicated to the works of the famous artist Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. It showcases a vast collection of his paintings, drawings, and posters.
  • Sidobre: A natural wonder located about 40 kilometers from Montredon-Labessonnie, Sidobre is a granite plateau with unique rock formations. Visitors can explore the area and see impressive granite boulders, including the famous "Rocher Tremblant" (Trembling Rock).
  • Cordes-sur-Ciel: A picturesque medieval village perched on a hilltop, Cordes-sur-Ciel offers visitors a step back in time. Its narrow streets, historic buildings, and panoramic views make it a charming destination for a stroll.
  • Cap'Découverte: Located in Carmaux, Cap'Découverte is an adventure park offering a range of activities for all ages. Visitors can enjoy ziplining, water sports, climbing, and mountain biking, or relax on the beach of the artificial lake.
  • Gaillac Vineyards: The Gaillac region, famous for its vineyards, is just a short drive away from Montredon-Labessonnie. Visitors can explore the vineyards, taste local wines, and learn about the winemaking process.
  • Castres: This historic town is known for its beautiful old houses and the Goya Museum, which houses an impressive collection of Spanish paintings. The town also features a picturesque canal, perfect for a leisurely boat ride.
  • Parc de Gourjade: Situated in Castres, this park offers a peaceful escape with its lush greenery, walking paths, and a lake. It's an ideal spot for picnics, family outings, or simply enjoying nature.
  • Lautrec: Another charming medieval village near Montredon-Labessonnie, Lautrec is known for its pink garlic and traditional cobblestone streets. It offers visitors a chance to experience the authentic ambiance of a typical French village. 10. Saint-Salvi Collegiate Church: Located in Albi, this Romanesque church is known for its stunning cloister and beautiful frescoes. It's a peaceful place to visit and appreciate the architectural and artistic heritage of the region.