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Grivel Alain
19 Chemin du Laitier


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price from €100






Description for B&B:

This charming cottage is situated in the upscale destination of Gerardmer, offering an exceptionally pleasant getaway.

Description for Gite

Stunning Residence in the Heart of Gerardmer, Vosges, France


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extra bed
Notes: detached chalet
Notes: detached chalet
Notes: Detached chalet


Disabled Access
Animals Allowed


  • Lac de Gérardmer: Located just a short distance from 19 Chemin du Laitier, Lac de Gérardmer is a stunning lake that offers a range of recreational activities. Visitors can enjoy swimming, boating, fishing, and hiking around the lake. It is also known for its picturesque surroundings, making it a popular spot for picnics and leisurely walks.
  • Station de Ski Gérardmer: Perfect for winter sports enthusiasts, Station de Ski Gérardmer is a ski resort situated near the town. It offers a variety of slopes suitable for both beginners and experienced skiers. Additionally, the resort provides facilities for snowboarding, snowshoeing, and cross-country skiing during the winter months.
  • Le Poli: Le Poli is a mountain peak located in the Vosges Mountains, offering breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding area. It is a popular hiking destination, attracting outdoor enthusiasts who enjoy the challenging yet rewarding trails. At the summit, visitors can also find a monument dedicated to the French military.
  • Les Jardins de Berchigranges: A short drive from Gérardmer, Les Jardins de Berchigranges is a beautiful garden open to the public. This well-maintained botanical garden features a wide variety of plants, flowers, and sculptures. It provides a peaceful and serene environment for a leisurely stroll, with numerous seating areas to relax and enjoy the scenery.
  • Musée du Textile des Vosges: Located in Ventron, not far from Gérardmer, the Musée du Textile des Vosges is a museum dedicated to the textile industry in the region. It showcases the history, techniques, and cultural significance of textile production through various exhibits. Visitors can learn about the art of weaving, see vintage machinery, and even try their hand at creating fabrics.
  • Château de Bruyères: Situated in the town of Bruyères, Château de Bruyères is a historical castle that dates back to the 12th century. Although mostly in ruins, this medieval fortress provides a glimpse into the region's past. Visitors can explore the remaining towers and walls, imagining the castle's former grandeur while enjoying the scenic views from the hilltop location.
  • Roche du Diable: Translating to "Devil's Rock," Roche du Diable is a natural rock formation located near Xonrupt-Longemer. It offers a unique and mystical landscape, with intriguing rock formations and stunning views of the surrounding forests. Visitors can hike to the top for a memorable experience and capture panoramic photos of the area.
  • Musée Pierre-Noël: Situated in Saint-Dié-des-Vosges, Musée Pierre-Noël is an art and history museum that showcases a wide range of exhibits. It focuses on the region's cultural heritage, including archaeological artifacts, contemporary art, and historical documents. The museum offers an engaging experience for those interested in the history and art of the Vosges region. These tourist attractions near 19 Chemin du Laitier, Gerardmer, France, provide a variety of options for outdoor enthusiasts, history buffs, and nature lovers to explore the picturesque surroundings and immerse themselves in the rich cultural heritage of the region.

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