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Emmanuelle Lemiere
25 Route de Caen


2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €48






Description for B&B:

Experience a delightful stay in our charming establishment, offering four exquisitely designed rooms. Each room is adorned with its own private bathroom, equipped with a refreshing shower and a convenient washbasin. Indulge in the comfort of your room while enjoying the entertainment provided by a TV and WIFI access.

To ensure your utmost convenience, an independent entrance allows you to move freely at your own pace. Additionally, we offer a well-equipped kitchen and dining room, exclusively reserved for our esteemed guests. Whether you prefer to dine on-site or simply savor a cup of coffee after a leisurely stroll, these facilities are at your disposal.

We extend a warm welcome to families, as we proudly provide family rooms upon request. Furthermore, we understand the needs of our little guests and offer essential baby equipment such as high chairs and baths. Our outdoor games also provide an opportunity for families to create lasting memories together.


Appréciations pour La Rose des Vents entre Caen et la mer, Basly:

Review by: Bannier lopez , Aou 27 2017 8:32PM
Reposant et petits déjeuners copieux, nous y retournerons!
Response from property:
Merci et contente de savoir que votre séjour a été satisfaisant. Au plaisir de vous revoir.
très bonne maison
Review by: mercier, Sep 22 2011 4:54PM
nous avons passés 10 jours au calme et dans la bonne entente grâce à une hôtesse très discrète mais efficace. Cette maison est à conseiller aux personnes qui aiment le calme et le repos.

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Notes: homemade products
Notes: homemade products
Holiday Home 7 220 450


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Animals Allowed


  • Juno Beach Centre: Located in Courseulles-sur-Mer, approximately 16 kilometers from Basly, the Juno Beach Centre is a museum dedicated to the Canadian contributions during World War II and the D-Day landings. It offers exhibits, interactive displays, and guided tours that provide insight into the historical events that took place on this coastal area.
  • Arromanches 360 Circular Cinema: Situated in Arromanches-les-Bains, around 20 kilometers from Basly, the Arromanches 360 Circular Cinema is a unique attraction that showcases a 360-degree film about the D-Day landings and the Mulberry Harbor. The immersive experience allows visitors to relive the historic events in a captivating way.
  • Bayeux Tapestry Museum: Located in Bayeux, approximately 24 kilometers from Basly, the Bayeux Tapestry Museum houses the famous Bayeux Tapestry. This remarkable embroidered artwork depicts the events leading up to the Norman conquest of England in 1066. Visitors can explore the museum and learn about this significant historical event.
  • Caen Memorial Museum: Situated in Caen, around 14 kilometers from Basly, the Caen Memorial Museum is a comprehensive museum dedicated to the history of the 20th century, particularly World War II and the Battle of Normandy. It offers exhibitions, multimedia presentations, and educational programs that delve into the causes and consequences of these events.
  • Omaha Beach: Located in Saint-Laurent-sur-Mer, approximately 42 kilometers from Basly, Omaha Beach is one of the historic D-Day landing sites. Today, it serves as a memorial to the soldiers who fought in the Normandy landings. Visitors can take a stroll along the beach, explore the nearby American Cemetery, and reflect on the sacrifices made during the war.
  • Mont Saint-Michel: Situated in Normandy, around 124 kilometers from Basly, Mont Saint-Michel is a breathtaking medieval abbey perched on a rocky island. This UNESCO World Heritage Site attracts millions of visitors each year who come to admire its stunning architecture, narrow streets, and panoramic views of the surrounding bay.
  • Château de Caen: Located in the city of Caen, approximately 18 kilometers from Basly, the Château de Caen is a medieval fortress that offers a glimpse into the region's rich history. Visitors can explore its ramparts, towers, and keep, as well as visit the Museum of Normandy and the Fine Arts Museum housed within the castle complex.
  • Pegasus Bridge: Situated in Bénouville, around 34 kilometers from Basly, Pegasus Bridge holds significant historical importance as it was the first site to be liberated by Allied forces on D-Day. A visit to this iconic bridge allows visitors to learn about the bravery and strategic importance of this operation.
  • Honfleur: Located approximately 69 kilometers from Basly, Honfleur is a charming coastal town known for its picturesque harbor, colorful buildings, and art galleries. Visitors can wander through its narrow streets, admire the historic architecture, and enjoy seafood in one of the many waterfront restaurants. 10. Deauville: Situated approximately 90 kilometers from Basly, Deauville is a renowned seaside resort town that offers a mix of luxury, elegance, and natural beauty. Known for its glamorous hotels, sandy beach, and prestigious horse racing events, Deauville is a popular destination for leisure and relaxation.

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