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Contact Details:


Viviane Cygan
124 Route de Villefranche
Marcy / Anse



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Price per night:

price from €99



06 62 20 04 19


Description for B&B:

We offer three spacious guest rooms, each measuring 20m², with their own private bathroom and separate toilet. The beds in these rooms are 1.60m wide, and upon request, we can provide an additional bed measuring 0.90m wide. Each room is equipped with comfortable chairs, armchairs, and a wardrobe or closet for your convenience. Additionally, you will have access to TNT TV and complimentary WIFI throughout your stay. The first room, named "Dombes," offers stunning views of the Eastern vineyards and Mont Blanc, while the other two rooms, "l'Ardèche" and "Beaujolais," overlook the beautiful south garden and pool area. We also have a spacious Family Suite, measuring 70m², which includes two beds (180 and 140) and the option of an additional bed. This suite also features a private bathroom and toilet for your privacy and comfort.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: single 85€
Notes: 125€ for 2 & 145€ for 4 and 15€ extra bed


Swimming Pool
Credit cards accepted


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