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Brigitte Fournier
Chemin De Fontaurie


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  • Marseillan Plage: Located just a short distance from Chemin De Fontaurie, Marseillan Plage is a beautiful sandy beach along the Mediterranean coast. It offers a range of water sports activities, beachfront restaurants, and a vibrant atmosphere.
  • Noilly Prat Vermouth Cellars: Situated in the nearby town of Marseillan, the Noilly Prat Vermouth Cellars are a must-visit for wine enthusiasts. Take a guided tour to learn about the production process and history of this famous French vermouth, followed by a tasting session.
  • Étang de Thau: This large lagoon located to the east of Marseillan is a popular attraction for nature lovers. Known for its oyster and mussel farms, visitors can take boat tours or enjoy a leisurely stroll along the shore to admire the scenic beauty of the lagoon.
  • Fort de Brescou: Located off the coast of Marseillan, Fort de Brescou is a historic fortress that dates back to the 16th century. Take a boat excursion to explore this impressive structure, learn about its history, and enjoy panoramic views of the Mediterranean Sea.
  • Paul Valéry Museum: Situated in the nearby town of Sète, the Paul Valéry Museum is dedicated to the renowned French poet and philosopher. The museum houses a collection of his manuscripts, personal items, and works of art, providing visitors with insight into his life and literary contributions.
  • Mont Saint-Clair: Rising above the town of Sète, Mont Saint-Clair offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding area. Visitors can hike or drive to the summit and enjoy the stunning vistas of the Mediterranean Sea, the lagoon, and the town below.
  • Sète Canals: Known as the "Venice of Languedoc," Sète features a network of canals that crisscross the town. Take a boat tour or stroll along the picturesque waterfront to experience the charm of this coastal town and its vibrant fishing port.
  • Musée International des Arts Modestes (MIAM): Located in Sète, the MIAM is a unique museum dedicated to the concept of "modest art." Its collection showcases everyday objects, popular culture artifacts, and works by self-taught artists, offering an unconventional and thought-provoking art experience.
  • Pont du Gard: Although slightly further away, the iconic Pont du Gard is worth a visit. This ancient Roman aqueduct, located near Nîmes, is a UNESCO World Heritage site and a testament to Roman engineering. Explore the surrounding area, picnic by the river, and marvel at this remarkable architectural masterpiece. 10. Pézenas: A charming town located inland from Marseillan, Pézenas is known for its beautifully preserved medieval architecture and its association with the famous French playwright Molière. Wander through its cobbled streets, admire the historic buildings, and explore the numerous artisan shops and boutiques.

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