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Claude Mauret


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Price per night:

price from €63






Description for B&B:

Recently renovated, this authentic and spacious establishment is nestled in the picturesque Quercy hills, under the attentive management of the Mauret family. With three charming rooms, a refreshing pool, and a serene atmosphere, this house offers a tranquil retreat. Delight in the flavors of traditional cuisine served in a serene and inviting setting, where the family ensures your comfort and extends a warm welcome. Ideal for families with children or those seeking peace and tranquility. The Grange, recognized for its unique character and charm, has been awarded four stars by Gites de France and is celebrated as an exemplar of the "Art of living" in the Pyrenees region.


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Starting from Toulouse, take the motorway towards Bordeaux and continue in the direction of Montauban/Paris. Take exit 10, then exit 65 towards Montauban Albasud. Drive through Montauban and follow the signs for Montauban Centre and Moissac. Pass the first bridge and continue straight through the roundabout. At the next traffic light, turn right and cross the bridge. At the following traffic light, turn left and continue straight. At the next traffic light, turn left again towards Moissac. Follow the instructions from Moissac/Montauban.

Starting from Moissac/Montauban, drive towards Lafrançaise and then towards Molière. After driving for approximately three kilometers, turn left towards Vazerac/Matissan. After 50 meters, turn left again towards Martissan. Continue through the village and pass the church. The Grange will be located 50 meters further on your right.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 63 410 OUI
(3 pers.)
3 75 488 Oui


Swimming Pool
Credit cards accepted
Animals Allowed


  • Château de Bruniquel: Located in the village of Bruniquel, approximately 13 kilometers from Martissan, the Château de Bruniquel is a medieval fortress with stunning views of the Aveyron Gorges. It houses a museum with exhibits on local history and offers guided tours of its towers, dungeons, and courtyards.
  • Abbaye de Moissac: Situated in Moissac, around 20 kilometers from Martissan, the Abbaye de Moissac is a UNESCO World Heritage site. This 12th-century Romanesque abbey is renowned for its intricate sculptures and impressive cloister. Visitors can explore its architectural marvels and learn about its religious and cultural significance.
  • Montauban: The city of Montauban, located approximately 25 kilometers from Martissan, is known for its rich history and picturesque streets. Visitors can admire the stunning Place Nationale, a beautiful arcaded square, and the Musée Ingres, which houses an extensive collection of paintings by the renowned artist Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres.
  • St. Pierre Abbey, Moissac: Another noteworthy attraction in Moissac is the St. Pierre Abbey, a magnificent Romanesque church dating back to the 11th century. Its impressive architecture and ornate sculptures make it a must-visit for history and art enthusiasts.
  • Auvillar: Situated about 30 kilometers from Martissan, Auvillar is a charming village perched on a hill overlooking the Garonne River. Known for its circular market square and half-timbered houses, Auvillar offers a glimpse into traditional French village life. Visitors can also explore the 14th-century Auvillar Belfry, a historic tower with panoramic views.
  • Lauzerte: Located around 35 kilometers from Martissan, Lauzerte is a medieval hilltop village with stunning views of the surrounding countryside. Its well-preserved old town features narrow streets, half-timbered houses, and a central square with a 12th-century market hall. The village is also a stop on the famous pilgrimage route, the Way of St. James.
  • Canal de Montech: The Canal de Montech, situated approximately 15 kilometers from Martissan, offers scenic walks or bike rides along its banks. Visitors can watch boats navigate the locks and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of this picturesque waterway. These tourist attractions near Martissan offer a mix of historical, cultural, and natural experiences, allowing visitors to discover the beauty and heritage of the region.