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Emma East
1 Place De La Bastide Rejaumont


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Price per night:

price from €255






Description for B&B:

Nestled in a charming village, our location offers the perfect balance of tranquility and convenience, with the bustling market town of Fleurance just a short 10-minute drive away. Surrounded by picturesque vineyards and vibrant sunflower fields, there are plenty of delightful bastide villages and towns to explore in close proximity. For those seeking refreshing aquatic activities, a stunning swimming lake awaits just a mere 10 minutes away, while Fleurance itself boasts a convenient public swimming pool. As an added indulgence, we provide our esteemed guests with access to a rejuvenating spa/jacuzzi facility.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
80 255 255
(3 pers.)
110 110 110 2




  • Château de Lavardens: Located in the village of Lavardens, this stunning medieval castle offers visitors a glimpse into the past. Explore the well-preserved architecture, admire the beautiful gardens, and visit the castle's museum showcasing contemporary art.
  • Abbaye de Flaran: Situated in Valence-sur-Baïse, this Cistercian abbey is a true architectural gem. Discover the abbey's impressive Gothic-style church, cloisters, and peaceful gardens. It also houses a museum with a remarkable collection of art and archaeological artifacts.
  • Lectoure Cathedral: Located in the charming town of Lectoure, this cathedral is a must-visit for history and architecture enthusiasts. Admire the intricate Gothic and Romanesque elements of the cathedral and take in the panoramic views of the surrounding countryside from its terrace.
  • Musée du Paysan Gascon: Situated in Touget, this museum offers a unique insight into the rural and agricultural traditions of the Gascony region. Explore the exhibits showcasing traditional tools, furniture, and clothing, and learn about the daily life of Gascon farmers.
  • La Romieu Collegiate Church: Found in the village of La Romieu, this UNESCO World Heritage Site is a masterpiece of Gothic architecture. Marvel at the intricate carvings, climb the bell tower for panoramic views, and learn about the legend of the "cat staircase" within the church.
  • Musée d'Art Campanaire: Located in L'Isle-Jourdain, this museum is dedicated to campanology, the study of bells. Discover the fascinating history and craftsmanship behind bell-making, explore the extensive collection of bells, and even try your hand at ringing some of them.
  • Auch Cathedral: Situated in the city of Auch, this impressive cathedral is a symbol of the region's religious heritage. Admire the striking stained glass windows, the grand organ, and the beautiful sculptures adorning the interior. Climb to the top of the cathedral's tower for panoramic views of Auch.
  • Musée de l'Armagnac: Found in Condom, this museum is dedicated to the iconic Armagnac brandy. Learn about the history, production process, and tasting techniques of this renowned local spirit. The museum also showcases a collection of antique distilling equipment.
  • Larressingle: Known as the "Carcarès of Gascogne," Larressingle is a fortified village with well-preserved ramparts and towers. Walk along the medieval streets, visit the castle remains, and enjoy the charming atmosphere of this picturesque village. 10. Domaine d'Escoubous: Located in Fleurance itself, this vineyard offers wine enthusiasts the chance to taste and learn about the local wines. Take a guided tour of the vineyard, explore the winemaking facilities, and enjoy a wine tasting session accompanied by regional delicacies.