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Le Col d'Aizac



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Price per night:

price from €55






Description for B&B:

Welcome to "The Volcano of Aizac" Bed and Breakfast, recognized as "Fleurs de Soleil". Immerse yourself in nature and simplicity at the heart of the breathtaking Cévennes and Ardèche Regional Nature Park in the Monts d'Ardèche. Our peaceful and charming B&Bs are located at an altitude of 640m in the picturesque village of Aizac, surrounded by chestnut trees.

Situated atop Aizac Pass, you will enjoy stunning views of the Volane valleys to the East and Besorgues valleys to the West. Explore the area's numerous hiking trails, which will lead you to the fascinating young volcanoes of Ardèche, including the famous Cup of Volcano Aizac that has overlooked the village and its inhabitants for the past 80,000 years! For the sport enthusiasts, there is ample opportunity for fishing, climbing, mountain biking, canyoning, refreshing swimming, tennis, kayaking, and, of course, hiking.

Our comfortable rooms offer heating, showers, and toilets. Guests can relax on the terrace and make use of the garden furniture. If desired, picnic meals can be ordered and taken along for your hiking adventures.

Rates: €55 per night for 2 people, including breakfast; Weekly rate: €345; Single occupancy: €45. (For a single night stay: +10%)
Summer rates (06/07 to 26/08): 1 or 2 people: €65; Weekly rate: €409.50; (For a single night stay: +15%)
(Meals: €18, excluding beverages)

We are open year-round.

Visit us at:
The Volcano of Aizac Bed and Breakfast
Le Col d'Aizac
07530 AIZAC


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To get to Vals les Bains, which is located 10 km north of Aubenas, you need to pass through the tourist spa town. Head in the direction of "The Cheylard" and "Antraigues Volane." Follow the road known as D 578, which will take you through the Volane valley. Along the way, you might notice some impressive basaltic flows from the Aizac volcano. When you reach the end of Vals les Bains, be sure not to take the D 243 (which leads to Aizac) on the left! Instead, continue through several hamlets until you reach Antraigues. Don't forget to admire the picturesque village as you pass by, and then take the first left road towards AIZAC. This road will lead you to the Col d'Aizac, which stands at an altitude of 642 m. Our guest houses are located there, right in front of you!



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
5 55 65 345 409.50 OUI


Animals Allowed


  • Mont Gerbier de Jonc: Located approximately 15 kilometers from Le Col d'Aizac, Mont Gerbier de Jonc is a famous volcanic mountain and a major tourist attraction. It is known for its unique shape and being the source of the Loire River.
  • Pont d'Arc: Situated around 40 kilometers from Aizac, Pont d'Arc is a stunning natural stone arch over the Ardèche River. It offers breathtaking views and is a popular spot for swimming, canoeing, and picnicking.
  • Château de Ventadour: Located in Meyras, about 8 kilometers from Aizac, the Château de Ventadour is a medieval castle that dates back to the 13th century. Visitors can explore its well-preserved ruins, admire the panoramic views, and learn about its fascinating history.
  • Aven d'Orgnac: Situated about 50 kilometers from Le Col d'Aizac, Aven d'Orgnac is a remarkable limestone cave system that offers guided tours. Visitors can marvel at the stunning stalactites, stalagmites, and underground chambers.
  • Vallon-Pont-d'Arc: Positioned around 40 kilometers from Aizac, Vallon-Pont-d'Arc is a charming village located on the banks of the Ardèche River. It is renowned for its medieval bridge and offers various outdoor activities like kayaking, hiking, and rock climbing.
  • Cascade du Ray-Pic: Found approximately 30 kilometers from Le Col d'Aizac, Cascade du Ray-Pic is a beautiful waterfall nestled in the heart of a lush forest. Visitors can enjoy stunning views, hike the surrounding trails, and relax in the peaceful atmosphere.
  • Antraigues-sur-Volane: Situated around 12 kilometers from Aizac, Antraigues-sur-Volane is a picturesque village known for its narrow streets, traditional stone houses, and its association with the famous French singer Jean Ferrat. Visitors can explore the village, visit the museum dedicated to Ferrat, and enjoy the tranquil ambiance.
  • Ardèche Mountains: Stretching across the region, the Ardèche Mountains offer breathtaking landscapes, including rolling hills, dense forests, and stunning viewpoints. It is an ideal destination for hiking, mountain biking, and nature lovers.
  • Jaujac: Located approximately 20 kilometers from Aizac, Jaujac is a charming village known for its volcanic landscapes. Visitors can explore the unique "Champ de Bisons" (Field of Buffaloes), hike to the Crater Lake, and admire the picturesque surroundings. 10. Château de Crussol: Situated in Saint-Péray, around 60 kilometers from Aizac, the Château de Crussol is a medieval fortress perched on a hilltop. It offers panoramic views of the Rhône Valley, guided tours of the ruins, and occasional cultural events. These attractions near Le Col d'Aizac and Aizac offer a diverse range of natural beauty, historical significance, and cultural experiences for tourists to enjoy.

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