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Francoise Gaj
La Flamanchie Basse


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price from €450




+32 0498517196


Description for Gite

This charming stone house, representing the traditional architecture of the region, was constructed in 1862 and still stands gracefully at the base of a vineyard. Boasting a spacious living area measuring 250 m², the property is surrounded by lush wooded grounds spanning 10,000 m². The house features a generously-sized dining room complete with a cozy fireplace and a balcony that offers enchanting views of the picturesque Dordogne river. The open kitchen is adorned with a charming stone sink and is equipped with modern amenities including a dishwasher, oven, and a brand-new refrigerator.


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extra bed
Holiday Home 8 450 1150


Swimming Pool
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  • Gouffre de Padirac: Located approximately 20 kilometers from La Flamanchie Basse, the Gouffre de Padirac is a stunning underground cave system. Visitors can explore the caves by boat, descending into the depths to witness beautiful rock formations and an underground river.
  • Collonges-la-Rouge: Situated around 30 kilometers from La Flamanchie Basse, Collonges-la-Rouge is a picturesque village known for its unique red sandstone architecture. With narrow streets, charming houses, and a medieval atmosphere, it is a delightful place to wander and explore.
  • Argentat-sur-Dordogne: Found approximately 18 kilometers away, Argentat-sur-Dordogne is a scenic town nestled along the banks of the Dordogne River. Visitors can enjoy strolling along the riverfront, admiring the charming old houses, and perhaps even taking a boat trip on the river.
  • Château de Castelnau-Bretenoux: Situated about 40 kilometers from La Flamanchie Basse, the Château de Castelnau-Bretenoux is a magnificent medieval castle. With its imposing fortifications and well-preserved interior, it offers a fascinating glimpse into the region's history.
  • Rocamadour: Located approximately 60 kilometers away, Rocamadour is a remarkable cliffside village. It is known for its pilgrimage site, featuring various chapels and the famous Black Madonna statue. The village offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside and is a popular tourist destination.
  • Padirac Cave: Situated around 20 kilometers from La Flamanchie Basse, the Padirac Cave is another impressive underground attraction. Visitors can explore the vast caverns, stalactites, and an underground river by taking a guided tour.
  • Brive-la-Gaillarde: Found approximately 35 kilometers away, Brive-la-Gaillarde is a vibrant town with a rich history. It boasts a charming old town with narrow streets, medieval buildings, and a bustling market. Visitors can also enjoy various cultural events, restaurants, and shops.
  • Beaulieu-sur-Dordogne: Situated about 25 kilometers from La Flamanchie Basse, Beaulieu-sur-Dordogne is a picturesque town located on the banks of the Dordogne River. The town features a beautiful Romanesque abbey, quaint streets, and a pleasant riverside promenade.
  • Turenne: Located approximately 40 kilometers away, Turenne is a medieval village perched on a hilltop. It offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside and is known for its well-preserved castle ruins and charming streets lined with historic houses. 10. Château de Montal: Found about 45 kilometers from La Flamanchie Basse, the Château de Montal is a Renaissance castle renowned for its elegant architecture and beautiful gardens. Visitors can explore the castle's interior, admire its decorative features, and enjoy the tranquil surroundings. These tourist attractions near La Flamanchie Basse offer a mix of natural beauty, historical landmarks, and charming villages, providing visitors with a diverse range of experiences to enjoy.