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Suzanne Royer
Longère Cauchoise
Angerville La Martel


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Price per night:

price from €55




Description for B&B:

Welcome to our house where you can not only relax in your room, but also explore our library and garden. Rest assured, tranquility awaits you here, with plenty of opportunities for scenic walks and access to a wealth of cultural heritage sites such as Etretat, Jumieges, and Honfleur. Indulge in the delights of our table d'hôte, where you can savor the flavors of our garden-fresh vegetables. We look forward to seeing you soon!


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2 55 65 oui




  • Étretat Cliffs: Located approximately 7 kilometers away from Angerville La Martel, the Étretat Cliffs are a stunning natural attraction on the Alabaster Coast. These dramatic limestone cliffs offer breathtaking views of the English Channel and are famous for their arches and needle-like formations.
  • Château d'Angerville-La-Martel: This historic castle is just a short distance from Longère Cauchoise. Built in the 16th century, the Château d'Angerville-La-Martel features beautiful architecture and a picturesque setting. While it is not open to the public, its exterior is worth admiring from the outside.
  • Le Havre: Situated around 22 kilometers away, Le Havre is a vibrant coastal city with a rich maritime heritage. The city boasts a UNESCO-listed modernist architecture, a bustling port, sandy beaches, and a variety of cultural attractions including museums, parks, and art galleries.
  • Musée des Beaux-Arts André Malraux: Located in Le Havre, this art museum is renowned for its extensive collection of European paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts. It houses works by renowned artists such as Monet, Renoir, and Delacroix, making it a must-visit for art enthusiasts.
  • Jardins Suspendus (Hanging Gardens): Situated in Le Havre, these beautiful gardens offer a peaceful escape from the city's hustle and bustle. Perched on a hillside, the Hanging Gardens provide panoramic views of the city, the harbor, and the Seine estuary. The gardens feature a wide variety of colorful flowers, plants, and sculptures.
  • Honfleur: Located around 30 kilometers from Angerville La Martel, Honfleur is a charming coastal town renowned for its picturesque harbor and historic buildings. The town's narrow, cobbled streets are lined with quaint shops, art galleries, and restaurants. Visitors can also explore attractions such as Saint Catherine's Church and the Eugene Boudin Museum.
  • Abbaye de Montivilliers: Situated approximately 15 kilometers away, this medieval abbey is a fascinating historical site. Founded in the 8th century, the Abbaye de Montivilliers features impressive Romanesque and Gothic architecture. Visitors can explore the abbey's chapel, cloisters, and gardens while learning about its rich history.
  • Maison de l'Armateur: Located in Le Havre, this 18th-century shipowner's house is now a museum that offers a glimpse into the city's maritime past. The museum showcases the elegant interiors of a wealthy ship owner's residence, including period furniture, artwork, and maritime artifacts. These attractions near Longère Cauchoise provide a diverse range of experiences, from natural beauty to cultural heritage, ensuring that visitors can explore and enjoy the region's unique offerings.