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Anne & Fabien Maupin
17, Rue Paul Verlaine


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Price per night:

price from €80





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Description for B&B:

Welcome to our Horse Breeding property located 7km from Arras, 15km from Lens, and 15km from Douai. Immerse yourself in the countryside and enjoy a comfortable stay in our two completely renovated B&B bedrooms, which were updated in 2012. One room is ideal for families, accommodating a couple and two children, while the other room is perfect for couples. We can also provide a baby bed with a changing table in each room upon request. Each room offers a private bathroom with a spacious shower and toilet. Start your day right with a traditional breakfast, prepared using ingredients sourced from our own domain or local suppliers.


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To reach Lille from Calais or Reims, follow Motorway A26 until you reach Motorway A1. Take Motorway A1 and continue until you reach the Fresnes les Montaubans exit. Once you exit, head towards Arras and continue towards "Gavrelles". From there, follow the signs towards FAMPOUX. Once you arrive in Fampoux, take the third road on the right.



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Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: baby bed 5
Notes: 2 adults / 3 children max baby bed 5


Animals Allowed


  • Arras - Located only 10 kilometers away from Fampoux, Arras is a charming city known for its beautiful architecture and historical significance. Visit the Grand Place, a large square lined with stunning Flemish-style buildings, and the iconic bell tower, Belfry of Arras, which offers a panoramic view of the city.
  • Vimy Ridge - Situated approximately 20 kilometers from Fampoux, Vimy Ridge is a WWI battlefield and memorial site. Explore the preserved trenches and tunnels, and pay homage to the Canadian soldiers who fought and lost their lives during the war. The memorial stands as a symbol of remembrance and peace.
  • Louvre-Lens Museum - Located around 25 kilometers away, this satellite branch of the famous Louvre Museum in Paris offers a unique cultural experience. The museum showcases a variety of art collections and exhibitions, housed within a contemporary glass building surrounded by beautiful gardens.
  • Notre-Dame de Lorette - Situated about 30 kilometers from Fampoux, Notre-Dame de Lorette is the largest French military cemetery and memorial dedicated to fallen soldiers from various conflicts. Explore the vast grounds, visit the basilica, and reflect upon the sacrifices made during times of war.
  • Les Boves - Found in the heart of Arras, Les Boves is a network of underground tunnels that were once used for various purposes, including storage and shelter. Take a guided tour to learn about their history and discover the fascinating secrets hidden beneath the city.
  • Lens 14-18 Great War Museum - Located approximately 30 kilometers away, this museum provides a comprehensive overview of the First World War. Through interactive exhibits and multimedia presentations, visitors can gain insights into the daily life of soldiers, the impact of the war on civilians, and the global historical context.
  • The Wellington Quarry - La Carrière Wellington - Situated in Arras, this underground museum offers a unique experience, providing a glimpse into the lives of soldiers who lived and fought in the tunnels during WWI. Learn about the Battle of Arras and the significant role these tunnels played in the war effort.
  • Musée des Beaux-Arts d'Arras - Located in Arras, this art museum houses an impressive collection of paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts from various periods, including works by renowned artists such as Rubens, Van Dyck, and Veronese. Explore the galleries and appreciate the diverse range of artistic masterpieces.
  • Les Jardins de Sericourt - Situated around 40 kilometers from Fampoux, these beautiful gardens provide a serene escape. Stroll through the landscaped grounds featuring vibrant flowers, ornamental ponds, and sculptures, offering a perfect setting for relaxation and tranquility. 10. Lens Mining Museum - Located in Lens, approximately 30 kilometers away, this museum delves into the region's mining heritage. Discover the history of coal mining in the area through interactive exhibits, preserved mining machinery, and reconstructed mining galleries. Gain insight into the lives of miners and the industry's impact on the local community.

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