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Contact Details:


Josette Bonnabe
Rue des Genevriers
Etang Sur Arroux


2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €40




Description for B&B:

Josette and Jean BONNABE have created a cozy family room in a charming village located in the beautiful Morvan Park, conveniently close to BIBRACTE. Situated on the first floor of their modern home, this delightful space offers two bedrooms, accommodating 2-4 guests. The room is equipped with a convenient shower room and WC for your comfort. Additionally, a small private room on the ground floor is available, providing complimentary internet access, including WiFi, while offering a peaceful and shaded environment.


Appréciations pour Les Genevriers, Etang Sur Arroux:

Séjour de juillet 2016
Review by: R Werres, Juil 16 2016 10:20PM
Toujours aussi parfait qu'en novembre avec en plus la découverte d'une jolie terrasse dans un beau grand jardin fleuri!
Review by: Werres, Nov 25 2015 6:39PM
Séjour parfait! La qualité du séjour n'a d'égale que la gentillesse de M et Mme Bonabbe..
Nous avons été reçus par ces hôtes très sympathiques. Déjeuner copieux et délicieux, literie impeccable. Vraiment à recommander!

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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 40 50



  • Château de Drée: Located in Curbigny, approximately 20 kilometers from Rue des Genevriers, Château de Drée is a stunning Renaissance castle surrounded by beautiful gardens. Visitors can explore the castle's interior, admire its architecture, and enjoy the peaceful ambiance of the surrounding countryside.
  • Parc Touristique des Combes: Situated in Le Creusot, around 25 kilometers away, Parc Touristique des Combes is a family-friendly amusement park. It offers various attractions such as roller coasters, a mini-train ride, a treetop adventure course, and a zoo. The park also features picnic areas and stunning views of the surrounding landscape.
  • Autun Cathedral: Located in Autun, approximately 30 kilometers from Rue des Genevriers, Autun Cathedral is a masterpiece of Romanesque architecture. This historic cathedral dates back to the 12th century and features intricate sculptures, beautiful stained glass windows, and a magnificent organ. Visitors can explore its interior and admire its impressive architectural details.
  • Morvan Regional Natural Park: Situated near the town of Château-Chinon, around 40 kilometers away, Morvan Regional Natural Park is a paradise for nature lovers. The park offers stunning landscapes, including forests, lakes, and rolling hills. Visitors can enjoy activities like hiking, cycling, boating, and wildlife spotting. The park also features charming villages where you can discover local traditions and cuisine.
  • Bibracte Archaeological Park: Located near Glux-en-Glenne, approximately 50 kilometers from Rue des Genevriers, Bibracte Archaeological Park is a significant archaeological site. It was once the capital of the Aedui Gauls and features remains of an ancient city. Visitors can explore the excavations, visit the museum to learn about Gallic history, and enjoy the panoramic views from the site.
  • Cluny Abbey: Situated in Cluny, around 70 kilometers away from Rue des Genevriers, Cluny Abbey is a remarkable medieval abbey complex. Once the largest Christian building in the world, it played a significant role in shaping Western monasticism. Visitors can explore the remains of the abbey, including the church, cloisters, and peaceful gardens.
  • Hospices de Beaune: Located in Beaune, approximately 80 kilometers from Rue des Genevriers, Hospices de Beaune is a must-visit attraction. This historic hospital, founded in the 15th century, features stunning Gothic architecture and colorful tiled roofs. Visitors can take guided tours to learn about the hospital's history and admire the impressive collection of artworks and historical artifacts. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from exploring historical sites and architectural wonders to enjoying nature and family-friendly activities.