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Contact Details:


Pascale Odier
123 Route de La Gorge
Saint Vincent de Mercuze


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Price per night:

price from €70





Description for B&B:

Experience the awe-inspiring sunlight streaming through the windows, filling your living room and illuminating your private retreat at the far end of the garden (by the pool deck). This suite features a comfortable double room and an additional room with two beds, perfect for a family or group. The moon-themed bathroom and separate toilet are conveniently located on-site. Enjoy the opportunity for leisurely walks, as the property is pedestrian-friendly. Additionally, the option of meals is available for your convenience.

Description for Gite


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
4 70 70


Swimming Pool
Disabled Access
Animals Allowed


  • Chartreuse Natural Park: Located just 10 kilometers from Saint Vincent de Mercuze, the Chartreuse Natural Park is a stunning natural reserve known for its lush forests, mountainous landscapes, and diverse wildlife. Visitors can enjoy hiking, cycling, and picnicking while immersing themselves in the beauty of the park.
  • Château de Vizille: Situated approximately 20 kilometers away, the Château de Vizille is a historic castle surrounded by a picturesque park. It houses the Musée de la Révolution Française, which exhibits artifacts and documents related to the French Revolution. Visitors can explore the castle's grand rooms and gardens, learn about French history, and enjoy the peaceful ambiance.
  • Bastille Grenoble: Located around 25 kilometers from Saint Vincent de Mercuze, the Bastille Grenoble is a famous fortress perched on a hilltop overlooking the city of Grenoble. Accessible via a series of cable cars, the fortress offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and the city below. Visitors can also explore the underground galleries and visit the exhibitions within the fortress.
  • Les Cuves de Sassenage: Situated approximately 30 kilometers away, Les Cuves de Sassenage is a natural site known for its stunning turquoise pools and waterfalls. Visitors can take a guided tour through the caves and learn about their geological formations and history. The site also offers picnic areas and hiking trails for those who wish to further explore the surrounding area.
  • Musee de Grenoble: Located around 25 kilometers from Saint Vincent de Mercuze, the Musee de Grenoble is a renowned art museum housing a vast collection of artworks from various periods. The museum showcases works by renowned artists such as Picasso, Monet, Matisse, and Rodin. Visitors can indulge in the rich artistic heritage and enjoy temporary exhibitions held throughout the year.
  • Lac de Paladru: Situated approximately 40 kilometers away, Lac de Paladru is a picturesque lake known for its crystal-clear waters and sandy beaches. Visitors can engage in various water activities such as swimming, boating, and windsurfing. The lake is also surrounded by charming villages and offers scenic walking paths for leisurely strolls. These attractions provide a diverse range of experiences, from exploring natural beauty to delving into history and art, ensuring a memorable visit to the region surrounding Saint Vincent de Mercuze.

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