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Contact Details:


Ruth Jessop
Les Beaumettes
St Auban


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Price per week:

price from €350






Description for Gite

Experience a cozy and private self-catering gite designed for two individuals. This charming accommodation features a comfortable double bedroom, a convenient toilet and shower room, as well as a fully-equipped kitchen and dining area. Outside, a delightful garden awaits you, along with ample parking space for your convenience. Whether you're a sports enthusiast or simply seeking an active holiday, our gite serves as an exceptional base. We provide an array of helpful resources, including detailed maps, accurate weather forecasts, and expert recommendations for thrilling walking and cycling routes. Located just 30 minutes away from Castellane, an adventure hub, you can indulge in exhilarating activities such as canoeing, kayaking, and aqua rando. Additionally, the surrounding gorges offer fantastic opportunities for climbing and canyoning.


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St Auban is situated in the southeastern part of France, specifically in the Alpes Maritimes region. Upon booking, we will provide you with precise directions to locate us, so kindly inform us of your arrival direction.


Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Holiday Home 1 50 50 350 350


Credit cards accepted
Animals Allowed


  • Gorges du Verdon: Located approximately 20 kilometers northwest of Les Beaumettes, the Gorges du Verdon is a stunning natural attraction. Known as the "Grand Canyon of Europe," it offers breathtaking views, hiking trails, and opportunities for water activities such as kayaking and canoeing.
  • Grasse: Situated around 30 kilometers southwest of Les Beaumettes, Grasse is famous for being the perfume capital of the world. Visitors can explore perfume factories, learn about the art of perfume-making, and stroll through the charming old town with its narrow streets and historic buildings.
  • Valensole Plateau: Located about 40 kilometers northeast of Les Beaumettes, the Valensole Plateau is renowned for its lavender fields. During the summer months, the vibrant purple flowers create a picturesque landscape, attracting visitors from all over the world. It's an ideal spot for nature lovers and photographers.
  • Moustiers-Sainte-Marie: Situated approximately 50 kilometers north of Les Beaumettes, Moustiers-Sainte-Marie is a picturesque village nestled between cliffs and surrounded by stunning natural beauty. Known for its ceramic workshops and charming streets, it is a great place to wander around and enjoy the Provençal atmosphere.
  • Cannes: Situated around 60 kilometers southeast of Les Beaumettes, Cannes is a glamorous city on the French Riviera. Famous for its film festival, luxurious hotels, and sandy beaches, it offers a vibrant atmosphere, high-end shopping, and a chance to spot celebrities.
  • Nice: Located approximately 80 kilometers southeast of Les Beaumettes, Nice is a vibrant coastal city renowned for its stunning Promenade des Anglais, beautiful architecture, and vibrant food scene. Visitors can explore the charming Old Town, visit museums, relax on the beach, or take a stroll along the picturesque waterfront.
  • Antibes: Situated around 90 kilometers southeast of Les Beaumettes, Antibes is a historic town with a rich cultural heritage. Highlights include the Picasso Museum, the picturesque old town with its narrow streets and vibrant markets, and the stunning Cap d'Antibes with its beautiful beaches and luxurious villas.
  • Monaco: Located approximately 120 kilometers southeast of Les Beaumettes, Monaco is a small city-state known for its glitz and glamour. Visitors can explore the famous Monte Carlo Casino, stroll through the luxurious gardens, and enjoy the breathtaking views from the Prince's Palace.
  • Saint-Paul-de-Vence: Situated around 130 kilometers southeast of Les Beaumettes, Saint-Paul-de-Vence is a charming medieval village perched on a hilltop. Famous for its art galleries, narrow streets, and panoramic views of the surrounding countryside, it has been a haven for artists and writers for centuries. 10. Aix-en-Provence: Located approximately 150 kilometers southwest of Les Beaumettes, Aix-en-Provence is a historic city known for its elegant boulevards, charming squares, and artistic heritage. Visitors can explore the Cours Mirabeau, visit museums like the Musée Granet, and enjoy the vibrant café culture.