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Anne-marie et Gérard Kintzig
31,rue Gal Leclerc


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Price per night:

price from €55






Description for B&B:

We cordially invite you to our delightful room designed for two adults. This charming accommodation offers a cozy living space, a bathroom with double sinks, a private shower, and a separate toilet. The room features a comfortable double bed, a spacious wardrobe, a functional desk, a cozy lounge area, and a television for your entertainment. Furthermore, our location is conveniently situated just 2km away from the renowned Centre Pompidou Metz.


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To reach Metz center by car, take the A31 and exit at Metz center. The train station is conveniently located just 2 km away. If you prefer public transportation, you can take line No. 2 to Montigny and get off at St André. However, we are more than happy to welcome you at the train station.



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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 55 oui


Animals Allowed


  • Centre Pompidou-Metz: Located in the nearby city of Metz, the Centre Pompidou-Metz is a contemporary art museum known for its innovative architecture. It showcases a diverse range of modern and contemporary art exhibitions, making it a must-visit for art enthusiasts.
  • Saint-Etienne Cathedral: Situated in Metz, the Saint-Etienne Cathedral is a stunning Gothic masterpiece known for its intricate stained glass windows and impressive architecture. Visitors can explore the interior and admire the beautiful artwork and sculptures within.
  • Metz Christmas Market: During the holiday season, the Metz Christmas Market comes to life with its festive ambiance and charming stalls. Visitors can wander through the market, shop for unique gifts, and indulge in delicious seasonal treats.
  • Le Parc de la Seille: This picturesque park in Metz offers a tranquil escape from the bustling city. Visitors can enjoy leisurely walks, picnic areas, and beautiful landscapes. The park is also home to various sculptures and art installations, adding an artistic touch to the natural surroundings.
  • Metz-Plage: In the summer months, Metz-Plage offers a refreshing outdoor recreational area. Located on the banks of the Moselle River, it features a sandy beach, swimming pools, water slides, and various sports facilities. It's an ideal spot for families and those seeking a fun day in the sun.
  • Porte des Allemands: This historical site in Metz is a well-preserved medieval gate and fortification. Visitors can explore the towers, walk along the city walls, and learn about the history of the area. The site also offers scenic views of the Moselle River.
  • The War Museum of Gravelotte: Located a short distance from Montigny-lès-Metz, this museum provides insight into the Battle of Gravelotte, a significant event during the Franco-Prussian War. It displays artifacts, documents, and exhibits related to the battle, allowing visitors to delve into the region's history.
  • Domaine de Lindre: Situated around 40 kilometers from Montigny-lès-Metz, Domaine de Lindre is a natural park and bird sanctuary. It offers a unique opportunity to observe various bird species, including flamingos and herons, in their natural habitat. Visitors can explore the park's trails, rent boats, and learn about the diverse ecosystem. These tourist attractions provide a mix of cultural, historical, and natural experiences near Montigny-lès-Metz, offering something for everyone to enjoy.