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Frédéric Calas


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Price per night:

price from €349






Description for B&B:

The Cabane du Trappeur offers a cozy and inviting atmosphere, ensuring your utmost comfort. It has been meticulously decorated by skilled craftsmen. This charming cabin can easily accommodate up to 5 guests.

Inside, you will find a well-equipped kitchen area with a dining space, complete with utensils, hotplates, a fridge, a microwave, a kettle, and a filter coffee maker. The cabin also provides crockery for up to 5 people. Additionally, there is a comfortable sofa corner with a television for your entertainment.

The sleeping arrangements consist of a bedroom with a double bed and a mezzanine area with two single beds. The private terrace offers a splendid panoramic view and is furnished with a table, chairs, parasol, and deckchairs, allowing you to relax and bask in the sun.

Situated in an ideal location, the Domaine de Campras is conveniently close to various tourist attractions. Explore the medieval city of Carcassonne, discover the beauty of the Canal du Midi, or immerse yourself in the stunning Montagne Noire. Engage in thrilling water and outdoor activities, embark on scenic hiking trails, rent bikes, go horseback riding, and indulge in the vibrant markets and museums nearby.

After a day filled with these memorable experiences, treat yourself to a unique moment of relaxation at the spa. Marvel at the breathtaking view during the evening, and perhaps even catch a glimpse of the twinkling stars. Finally, retreat back to the warmth and comfort of your own personal cocoon.

Description for Gite

Experience ultimate relaxation at our spa, where the soothing water is maintained at a perfect temperature of 37 °C. Marvel at the breathtaking views of the Aude plain and the majestic Pyrenees mountains. Our commitment to hygiene is unwavering, as we utilize the natural treatment of Ozone, ensuring clean and crystal-clear water that complies with all health regulations.

Our estate is ideally situated near the renowned Cathar castles and Cistercian abbeys, allowing for easy exploration of these historic sites that are steeped in captivating stories. Don't miss the opportunity to visit the medieval city of Carcassonne and the enchanting Canal du Midi, both recognized as UNESCO World Heritage sites. Delve into the charming villages of the Aude hinterland, and embrace their timeless allure.

For our younger guests, a delightful playground awaits, ensuring endless joy and laughter. There are also numerous activities in the vicinity to keep children and teenagers entertained. Additionally, venture on day trips to the vibrant city of Toulouse, where you can explore its rich history and visit the renowned space center. Discover the fortified Albi Cathedral and indulge in the Mediterranean sea or enjoy a shopping spree in Andorra. Your stay with us promises to be an unforgettable experience filled with relaxation, exploration, and cherished memories.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 349 349 590 790 20 0650
Holiday Home 1 85 100 14


Animals Allowed

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