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Roselyne Dumarquez
Chemin de Visan Nord



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Price per week:

price from €580




Description for Gite

Ground floor: Open kitchen connected to the living room. Equipped with a Fry Godin.
First floor: Two bedrooms with private bathrooms. Electric heating. Mobicarte. Microwave.
Parking available. Access to a communal swimming pool (5x10m) for guests. Pets allowed.
Weekly rates inclusive of sheets:
- 650 euros in July and August
- 550 euros for the rest of the year
- 160 euros for a weekend stay (2 nights)
- 45 euros for an optional end-of-stay cleaning service.


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By car: Take the A7 highway (Highway of the Sun) and exit at Bollène, which is about 16 km from Tulette.
By train: Depart from Paris on the TGV (High-Speed Train) for a 3-hour journey to Avignon, which is about 50 km from Tulette. Alternatively, you can also take a train to Orange, which is about 20 km from Tulette.
By plane: Fly from Paris to Avignon Airport, which takes approximately 1 hour.
In Tulette: Once in Tulette, follow the signs for "La Ramade," which are located at the bottom of the town square to the right of the Butcher-caterer.
The Mas of Santolines is located 1.5 km from the village, surrounded by vineyards.



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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Holiday Home 1 580 680


Swimming Pool


  • Château de Suze-la-Rousse: Located in the village of Suze-la-Rousse, this historic castle dates back to the 12th century. It now houses a wine university and a wine museum, offering visitors a chance to explore the rich wine heritage of the region.
  • Palais des Papes (Palace of the Popes): Situated in Avignon, this grand medieval palace served as the residence of the Popes during the 14th century. With its impressive architecture and rich history, it is now a UNESCO World Heritage site and a popular tourist attraction.
  • Pont d'Avignon (Avignon Bridge): Also known as the Pont Saint-Bénézet, this famous bridge spans the Rhône River in Avignon. Although only four out of the original 22 arches remain, it is a symbol of the city and offers stunning views of Avignon and the river.
  • Mont Ventoux: As one of the most iconic mountains in France, Mont Ventoux attracts outdoor enthusiasts and cyclists from around the world. Its challenging slopes and breathtaking scenery make it a must-visit destination for hikers, bikers, and nature lovers.
  • Vaison-la-Romaine: This charming town is known for its rich Roman heritage, particularly the well-preserved Roman ruins of Vaison-la-Romaine. Visitors can explore the ancient theater, Roman baths, and archaeological sites that showcase the town's fascinating history.
  • Grignan Castle: Situated in the village of Grignan, this Renaissance castle is famous for its association with Madame de Sévigné, an influential French writer. The castle offers guided tours, allowing visitors to discover its elegant interiors, beautiful gardens, and panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Nyons: Known as the "Olive Capital," Nyons is a picturesque town nestled in the Drôme Provençale region. Visitors can explore its charming narrow streets, visit the local olive oil mills, and enjoy the vibrant weekly market filled with local produce and crafts.
  • Dentelles de Montmirail: This stunning mountain range is a paradise for hikers and rock climbers. With its jagged limestone peaks and scenic trails, the Dentelles de Montmirail offers breathtaking views and opportunities for outdoor adventures.
  • Gorges de l'Ardèche: Located just a short drive away, the Gorges de l'Ardèche is a natural wonder that attracts nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. Visitors can enjoy kayaking, canoeing, or simply admire the breathtaking views of the deep limestone gorges and the Pont d'Arc natural bridge. 10. Orange Roman Theatre: Situated in the town of Orange, this exceptionally well-preserved Roman theater is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Built in the 1st century, it still hosts performances and concerts today, offering visitors a unique cultural experience.

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