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Didier Segond
Route de Quinson


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price from €913



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Description for B&B:

A Unique Retreat
The Tower of Enguerne is a guest house that offers numerous advantages for a variety of occasions. Whether you are seeking a week-long getaway with your family, a weekend escape, a celebration event, or an evening with friends, this charming establishment has it all.

Located in the heart of the Haut-Var, just an hour's drive from Saint-Tropez, this enchanting property is nestled in the hilltop village of Montmeyan. The village's narrow streets and archways symbolize the allure of the beautiful Tour of Provence. With its eight rooms, Enguerne promises exceptional stays that blend the beauty of the countryside with a touch of luxury, a blend of history and discovery, and a fusion of pleasure and indulgence.

Within the walls of this property, you can immerse yourself in a realm filled with legends of the Templars, where peaceful sleep awaits in each room. The spacious areas also provide the perfect setting to celebrate your special event in a unique and unforgettable manner.

The name of this estate is derived from a magnificent tower that leaves its mark on these extraordinary surroundings, reflecting a rich history and the remnants of the past. Surrounded by a vast 300-hectare park, the essence of nature in Provence permeates the air with its exquisite scents, the taste of truffles, and the magical light of the South. Summer evenings are serenaded by the songs of cicadas, creating an ambiance where every moment becomes extraordinary.

In close proximity, a plethora of discoveries await your exploration. From the breathtaking Gorges du Verdon and the picturesque town of Moustiers Sainte-Marie to Lake St. Croix Aups, and a little further away, the glamorous beaches, yachts, and vibrant nightlife of Saint-Tropez. For those seeking unique experiences, there are opportunities for hot air balloon rides, horseback riding to explore the surroundings, helicopter tours, and hiking through the stunning Gorges.

This estate offers ample opportunities for family or friends to enjoy a holiday by renting the entire house for a week, fortnight, or month. You can also celebrate an event by privatizing the entire home or simply escape for a night or more in one of the eight guest rooms. The possibilities are endless, and the services can be tailored to meet everyone's needs.

Please note that the Tower Enguerne can only offer five of the eight rooms in the guesthouse. To inquire about availability, kindly contact us by phone.


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Notes: Dinner on request


Swimming Pool
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  • Gorges du Verdon: Located about 7 kilometers from Montmeyan, the Gorges du Verdon is a stunning natural attraction often referred to as the "Grand Canyon of Europe." Visitors can enjoy activities such as hiking, kayaking, and taking boat tours along the turquoise waters of the Verdon River.
  • Lac de Sainte-Croix: Situated at the entrance of the Gorges du Verdon, Lac de Sainte-Croix is a picturesque lake known for its crystal-clear waters and beautiful surroundings. It offers various water sports activities, such as swimming, paddleboarding, and sailing, as well as several beaches for sunbathing.
  • Abbaye du Thoronet: A short drive from Montmeyan, Abbaye du Thoronet is a stunning Cistercian abbey that dates back to the 12th century. It is considered one of the most remarkable examples of Romanesque architecture in France. Visitors can explore the abbey's tranquil grounds and attend occasional classical music concerts held within its walls.
  • Moustiers-Sainte-Marie: Located about 20 kilometers from Montmeyan, Moustiers-Sainte-Marie is a charming medieval village nestled at the base of cliffs. It is known for its picturesque setting, narrow streets, and traditional pottery. Visitors can wander through the village, admire the Notre-Dame de Beauvoir chapel, and browse the local ceramics shops.
  • Aups: Situated approximately 15 kilometers from Montmeyan, Aups is a historic Provençal town famous for its truffle market. Visitors can explore the town's medieval center, visit the Saint-Pancrace church, and experience the unique flavors of the region at local restaurants and markets.
  • Château de Berne: Just a short distance away from Montmeyan, Château de Berne is a magnificent wine estate offering wine tastings, vineyard tours, and a gourmet restaurant. The estate is known for its picturesque vineyards and beautiful gardens, making it an ideal spot for wine enthusiasts and nature lovers.
  • Aiguines: Located around 30 kilometers from Montmeyan, Aiguines is a charming hilltop village overlooking the Lac de Sainte-Croix. It offers breathtaking panoramic views of the lake and the Verdon Gorge. Visitors can explore the old town, visit the Château d'Aiguines, and enjoy outdoor activities like hiking or rock climbing.
  • Musée de la Faïence de Moustiers: Situated in Moustiers-Sainte-Marie, the Musée de la Faïence is dedicated to showcasing the traditional pottery of the region. Visitors can learn about the history and techniques of faïence production, admire exquisite ceramic pieces, and even try their hand at pottery painting. These attractions near Route de Quinson offer a mix of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and gastronomic experiences, providing a diverse range of activities for tourists to enjoy.

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