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Béatrice Bourgeois
1634 Chemin des Vignes - La Barthelasse


3 reviews

Price per night:

price from €90






Description for B&B:

La Bastide des Anges is situated on Barthelasse Island, just 5 kilometers from the heart of Avignon. In addition to its charming old-world atmosphere, La Bastide offers amenities such as a private parking area, an outdoor pool, a shaded terrace, and a magnificent four-acre garden complete with an orchard and various types of Provençal trees. The two B&B rooms have their own separate entrance, a spacious south-facing terrace, a cozy lounge area with a TV, and a modern kitchen where snacks can be provided throughout the day.
Each bedroom is equipped with a comfortable 160cm x 200cm bed and a private bathroom featuring a walk-in shower and separate toilet. The guestrooms are air-conditioned, providing a calm and relaxing atmosphere. Each room is uniquely decorated, with one showcasing earthy tones and the other adorned with soothing pastel shades.

Description for Gite

Our charming guest house offers a delightful experience in its park, where you will find a quaint gypsy caravan available for weekly rental. Perfectly suited for two people, this cozy and inviting accommodation promises a memorable stay.


Appréciations pour La Bastide des Anges, Avignon:

Excellente adresse
Review by: Sylvie, Juil 6 2009 4:37PM
Une adresse où vous pouvez aller les yeux fermés. Idéalement situé, proche de la ville et sur l'île on est très au calme. L'accueil est parfait, la déco magnifique et les petits déj un vrai régal et la piscine, quel bonheur!
Un coin de paradis dans une région magnifique
Review by: Déborah, Juil 6 2009 2:49PM
Un accueil chaleureux, un décor d'un autre temps, un jardin bucolique et une belle piscine. Séjour de quelques jours pour se sentir seul au monde à 5 minutes de la vieille ville d'Avignon et de la Cité des Papes. Petits déjeuners avec des produits frais du terroir, rythmés par les chants d'oiseaux. Prêt de bicyclettes pour faire le tour de l'ile à son allure. Allez y, aucun regret possible pour des amoureux en besoin de romantisme, pour des familles en recherche de nature et pour des amis en besoin d'une région magnifique aux vins délicieux.
Un endroit angélique
Review by: Cathy, Juil 3 2009 6:04PM
Cadre idyllique, accueil chaleureux, les petits déjeuners maison sont excellent.
A quelques minutes d’Avignon, on se retrouve dans le calme et la tranquillité de la campagne.

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To reach La Bastide des Anges, take the exit for "Avignon nord" or "Avignon sud" from the A7 motorway. From there, follow the signs for "centre-ville" and "Ile de la Barthelasse". Cross the Pont Daladier bridge onto Barthelasse Island. At the fork in the road, turn right and continue on the D228 for approximately two kilometers until you reach a roundabout. At the roundabout, take the first right, then the first left, following the signs for "Ecole" (school) and "Eglise" (church).

When you spot the school on your left side, you are nearing La Bastide des Anges. Continue on the road for another 300 meters and the house will be on your right side.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
5 90 125 20 oui
Holiday Home 1 400 600 non


Swimming Pool
Credit cards accepted


  • Palais des Papes: Located in the heart of Avignon, the Palais des Papes is a grand medieval palace and fortress. It served as the residence of the Catholic popes in the 14th century and is now a UNESCO World Heritage site.
  • Pont d'Avignon: Also known as the Pont Saint-Bénézet, this famous bridge partially spans the Rhône River. Built in the 12th century, it has a rich history and is a symbol of Avignon. Only four of the original 22 arches remain today.
  • Musée du Petit Palais: Situated next to the Palais des Papes, this museum houses an impressive collection of Italian Renaissance paintings and sculptures. Visitors can admire works by Botticelli, Carpaccio, and other renowned artists.
  • Rocher des Doms: This park offers stunning panoramic views of Avignon and the surrounding countryside. It is located on a rocky hill and features beautiful gardens, fountains, and a playground, making it a perfect spot for a leisurely stroll or picnic.
  • Avignon Cathedral (Cathédrale Notre-Dame des Doms): Adjacent to the Palais des Papes, this cathedral is an architectural masterpiece. Its intricate details, stunning stained glass windows, and the gilded statue of the Virgin Mary atop the bell tower are notable highlights.
  • Musée Calvet: Housed in a magnificent 18th-century mansion, the Musée Calvet showcases an extensive collection of art, including paintings, sculptures, and pottery. Visitors can explore works by artists such as Rembrandt, Rubens, and Picasso.
  • Les Halles d'Avignon: This bustling indoor market offers a vibrant culinary experience. Here, you can find a wide variety of fresh produce, local delicacies, cheeses, meats, and wines. It's an excellent place to immerse yourself in the flavors of Provence.
  • Chartreuse de Villeneuve-lès-Avignon: Located just across the Rhône River, this former Carthusian monastery is now a museum. It displays medieval and Renaissance art, and its beautiful gardens provide a peaceful retreat from the city.
  • Pont du Gard: A short drive from Avignon, the Pont du Gard is an ancient Roman aqueduct bridge. It is one of the most well-preserved Roman structures in the world and is also a UNESCO World Heritage site. Visitors can walk across the bridge and explore the nearby museum. 10. Châteauneuf-du-Pape: Situated a few miles north of Avignon, this renowned wine village is famous for its vineyards and wine production. Visitors can tour the vineyards, taste exceptional wines, and learn about the history and techniques of winemaking in the region.

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