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Amélie Achard
505 route de Montlahuc



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Price per night:

price from €65



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Description for B&B:

We invite you to stay in our charming former hamlet school, located in the countryside near walking and cycling routes. Our accommodation offers one, two, or three bedrooms on the first floor, while the three bedrooms are situated upstairs in our house. The bedrooms can comfortably accommodate up to seven people.

Upon arrival, you will have a private access door that leads to a room at the bottom of the stairs. This room provides a convenient space to leave your shoes, coats, and also contains brochures and maps of the region for your perusal. The ground floor features a private shower room that can be accessed through a small corridor, which is shared with us as it also serves as our bathroom.

Please note that accessing the bedrooms requires climbing a slightly steep staircase. However, as you ascend to the first floor, you will find a delightful library filled with books, comics, and games suitable for all ages. Additionally, there is a cozy sofa where you can unwind and relax.

During your stay, you will have access to a portion of our garden, which includes a swimming pool (open during the appropriate season), comfortable deckchairs for lounging, and a picnic table. Our friendly cats and chickens reside on the property but do not have access to your rooms. Lastly, we take pride in our permaculture garden, which you are welcome to explore.

Description for Gite

We offer a variety of room options to accommodate your needs and preferences. Each room provides a comfortable stay with access to a private shower room on the ground floor and a separate dry toilet upstairs. Rest assured that these facilities are exclusively for your use as we do not accept multiple reservations simultaneously.

For a cozy summer retreat, our "Summer" room is perfect for two people. It features a queen-size double bed, ensuring a restful sleep.

During the winter season, our "Winter" room offers a warm and inviting atmosphere. It also accommodates two people and includes a comfortable double bed.

If you're traveling with a small group, our "Dormitory" room is an excellent choice. With space for up to three individuals, it provides a bunk bed and a single bed.

To enhance your stay, we provide various amenities such as fresh towels, a collection of books and board games, and access to our outdoor swimming pool during the appropriate season. Additionally, you can enjoy a picnic on our garden table or relax on our comfortable deckchairs. Other conveniences include a hair dryer, soap, wireless internet access, a baby bath, a high chair, a travel cot, and a changing mat.

We look forward to accommodating you in the room of your choice, tailored to your party size and preferences.


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Our address is 505 route de Montlahuc, Bellegarde-En-Diois, 26470.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 65
(3 pers.)
1 65


Swimming Pool


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  • Die Cathedral: Situated in the heart of Die, the Die Cathedral is a magnificent Romanesque building dating back to the 12th century. It is known for its stunning stained glass windows and houses a treasury with religious relics.
  • Le Claps: A geological curiosity located near Luc-en-Diois, Le Claps is a vast rockslide formed by a prehistoric earthquake. Visitors can explore the site, go hiking, and learn about the unique geological formations.
  • The Gervanne Valley: Nestled between the Vercors and Diois mountains, the Gervanne Valley offers breathtaking natural beauty. It is perfect for outdoor activities such as hiking, mountain biking, and rock climbing, with picturesque villages dotting the landscape.
  • Châtillon-en-Diois: This charming medieval village is worth a visit. Stroll through its narrow streets, admire the old houses, and visit the Church of Saint-Theobald, a beautiful Romanesque building.
  • The Clairette de Die Vineyards: The region surrounding Bellegarde-En-Diois is known for its production of Clairette de Die, a sparkling wine. Take a tour of the vineyards, learn about the winemaking process, and indulge in wine tastings.
  • La Motte-Chalancon: Located about 20 km from Bellegarde-En-Diois, La Motte-Chalancon is a picturesque village perched on a hilltop. Explore its medieval streets, visit the Church of Saint-Michel, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • The Vercors Regional Natural Park: Situated to the west of Bellegarde-En-Diois, the Vercors Regional Natural Park is a haven for nature lovers. It features stunning landscapes, deep gorges, and opportunities for hiking, wildlife spotting, and skiing during winter.
  • The Jaillance Wine Cellars: In Die, wine enthusiasts can visit the Jaillance Wine Cellars, famous for producing sparkling wines. Take a guided tour, learn about the winemaking process, and sample their renowned products. 10. The Jardin des Decouvertes: Located in Die, the Jardin des Decouvertes is a beautifully landscaped garden that showcases various plant species. It offers a serene and relaxing environment for visitors to enjoy a leisurely stroll and appreciate nature. Note: The distances mentioned are approximate and may vary depending on the specific route taken.

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