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Pascale Felus
Les Menus


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Price per night:

price from €90






Description for B&B:

1- The Walnut: This spacious and bright room, measuring 45 m2, can comfortably accommodate up to 2 persons (with a possibility for a third). It is equipped with all the necessary amenities for a comfortable stay.

2- The Terrace Cottage: Offering the most stunning views from sunrise to sunset, this cottage is perfect for 2 persons (with an option for a third). From the left, you can admire the magnificent Vercors, while in front of you, there are three beautiful becs. To the right, you will be enchanted by the breathtaking scenery of Ardèche. The cottage features a cozy bedroom and a bright lounge area with a sofa bed and a fireplace.

Description for Gite

1- The Walnut: Ideal for up to 2 persons (can accommodate 3). This spacious and luminous room measures 45 m2 and offers all the necessary comforts for a pleasant stay.
2- Terrace Gite: Perfect for up to 2 persons (can accommodate 3). Enjoy the most stunning view from sunrise to sunset, with the Vercors on the left, 3 magnificent peaks straight ahead, and the Ardèche on the right. The Gite features a bright bedroom, a cozy lounge with a sofa bed, and a charming fireplace.


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To reach your destination, follow these travel directions:

- If you are coming from the North, take the South Valencey Highway.
- If you are coming from the South, take the Loriol Highway.
- Once you reach Crest, continue towards Blacons.
- From Blacons, head towards Beaufort, and then follow the signs for Suze.
- After approximately 2 kilometers, make a left turn towards Menus.
- Continue in the direction of Cobonne, and then take a right turn at the sign indicating "Haut des Menus."



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 90 90 oui
(3 pers.)
3 100 100 oui
Holiday Home 2 500 700 non


Swimming Pool


  • Château de Suze-la-Rousse: This stunning 12th-century castle is a must-visit attraction near Les Menus. It houses a wine university and offers guided tours of its historic rooms, gardens, and vineyards.
  • Mont Ventoux: Known as the "Giant of Provence," Mont Ventoux is a famous mountain in the region. It offers breathtaking views, challenging hiking trails, and is a popular spot for cycling enthusiasts.
  • Vaison-la-Romaine: Located just a short drive away, Vaison-la-Romaine is a picturesque town with well-preserved Roman ruins. Explore the ancient theater, Roman bridge, and the medieval old town for a glimpse into the region's rich history.
  • Nyons: Situated in the heart of olive country, Nyons is a charming town known for its olive oil production. Visit the local olive mills, wander through the narrow streets of the old town, and don't miss the weekly market offering regional specialties.
  • Grignan: Home to the famous Château de Grignan, this medieval village attracts visitors with its beautiful architecture and cultural heritage. The castle is known for its association with Madame de Sévigné, a renowned French writer.
  • Pont d'Arc Cavern (Caverne du Pont d'Arc): Approximately an hour's drive from Les Menus, this replica of the Chauvet Cave showcases some of the world's oldest-known cave paintings. Explore the prehistoric art and learn about the region's early inhabitants.
  • Orange: Just a short distance away, Orange is known for its well-preserved Roman theater, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Attend a summer opera performance or explore the town's Romanesque architecture and charming streets.
  • Avignon: A bit further from Les Menus, Avignon is a city famous for its medieval architecture and its Papal Palace, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Stroll along the city walls, visit the Pont d'Avignon, or immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of the annual Avignon Festival.
  • Gorges de l'Ardèche: This natural wonder is located nearby and offers a stunning river gorge with breathtaking views. Take a canoe or kayak trip down the Ardèche River, pass under the Pont d'Arc, and enjoy the picturesque landscapes along the way. 10. Les Grottes de Saint-Marcel: These caves, located in the Ardèche region, offer a fascinating underground experience. Explore the stunning limestone formations, underground rivers, and impressive galleries during a guided tour. Please note that distances and travel times may vary, so it's always recommended to check current information and plan accordingly.

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