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Bourgeois Nicole
41 Bis Rue De La Rive
Le Faou


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price from €75




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  • Le Faou: This charming small town is a tourist attraction in itself. Known for its well-preserved medieval architecture, including half-timbered houses and narrow streets, Le Faou offers a pleasant atmosphere for strolling and exploring its historic center.
  • Brest Castle: Located approximately 20 kilometers northwest of Le Faou, Brest Castle is a stunning fortress overlooking the harbor of Brest. This imposing structure dates back to the 13th century and now houses the National Maritime Museum, showcasing the region's rich maritime history.
  • Oceanopolis: Situated in Brest, around 22 kilometers from Le Faou, Oceanopolis is a popular aquarium and science center. Divided into three pavilions representing different marine ecosystems (polar, tropical, and temperate), Oceanopolis offers visitors the opportunity to discover an array of marine species and learn about marine conservation.
  • Menez Hom: Located just 10 kilometers southeast of Le Faou, Menez Hom is a prominent mountain in Brittany, offering spectacular panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. A popular destination for hiking and nature enthusiasts, Menez Hom also holds historical significance as it served as a strategic vantage point during World War II.
  • Daoulas Abbey: Situated around 15 kilometers south of Le Faou, Daoulas Abbey is a former monastery dating back to the 12th century. Visitors can explore the well-preserved ruins, including a Romanesque church, cloister, and beautiful gardens. The abbey often hosts exhibitions and cultural events.
  • Pointe Saint-Mathieu: Located approximately 30 kilometers northwest of Le Faou, Pointe Saint-Mathieu is a stunning coastal area known for its lighthouse and ruins of an ancient abbey. Visitors can enjoy breathtaking views of the rugged coastline, visit the lighthouse museum, and explore the nearby sandy beaches.
  • Crozon Peninsula: Situated southwest of Le Faou, the Crozon Peninsula is a picturesque natural area known for its dramatic cliffs, sandy beaches, and pristine landscapes. Visitors can enjoy activities such as hiking, water sports, and exploring charming coastal villages like Morgat and Camaret-sur-Mer.
  • Quimper: Located roughly 40 kilometers southeast of Le Faou, Quimper is a historic city renowned for its well-preserved medieval center and charming half-timbered houses. Visitors can explore the impressive Quimper Cathedral, wander through narrow streets lined with shops and restaurants, and visit the Fine Arts Museum. These tourist attractions near Le Faou offer a mix of historical, cultural, and natural experiences, providing visitors with a diverse range of options to explore and enjoy the beauty of the region.

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