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Contact Details:


Jack Moreau
4, rue de l'Aillerie
Mareuil Sur Cher


2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €74






Description for B&B:

We offer a variety of accommodations in our guest house:
- The Pony's Room: A small and cozy room with a mezzanine that can accommodate up to 3 people.
- The Dolphin Room: A dolphin-themed room on one level, suitable for 3 people. It can also be transformed into a family suite for dolphins and fairies, with 2 bedrooms and space for up to 5 people.
- The Koala Cabin: Nestled against a century-old oak tree, this cabin can accommodate 4 people and stands at a height of 2.50 meters.
- The Panda's Star Cabin: This cabin, also 2.50 meters high, offers a panoramic view of the moon and stars through its ceiling. It can accommodate up to 5 people.
- The Swallow Room-Gite: A small apartment with a private jacuzzi and walk-in shower, perfect for 4 people.
All of our accommodations come with a private bathroom, an independent entrance, and a courtesy tray filled with a selection of teas, herbal teas, coffee, sweets, cakes, and spring water.

Description for Gite

The price includes the following amenities and services:

- A comfortable room or cabin with a private bathroom.
- Complimentary toiletries such as gel, shampoo, and toilet paper.
- A delicious and filling breakfast.
- Freshly laundered sheets and towels.
- A courtesy tray with a selection of teas, herbal teas, coffee, kettle, small cakes, sweets, and a bottle of spring water.
- Heating for your comfort.
- WiFi access throughout your stay.
- Access to a shared kitchen area.
- A designated play area for children with a swing and trampoline.
- A pétanque court for your enjoyment.
- Laundry service for your convenience.
- Access to the swimming pool during designated hours.
- Assistance with household chores.
- Parking facilities.
- The tourist tax.

The breakfast provided in the morning includes:

- Hot beverages such as coffee, tea, milk, hot chocolate, and herbal teas.
- Refreshing orange juice.
- Fresh bread and a selection of pastries.
- Delectable cake, brioche, or other baked goods.
- Mouthwatering crepes.
- A refreshing fruit salad.
- Natural yogurt.
- Butter, jams, honey, and Nutella to accompany your breakfast items.


Appréciations pour Les Dauphins de Mareuil, Mareuil Sur Cher:

Sans hésiter
Review by: Nadège, Aou 19 2018 4:15PM
A proximité (moyenne 40mns en voiture) de nombreux sites incontournables : châteaux dAmboise, Chenonceau, Cheverny, La Magnagnerie et les maisons troglododytiques, La cave aux roches, Saint-Aignan-sur-Cher, zoo de Beauval

Possibilité de faire de nombreuses activités : culturelles comme les visites des châteaux, les musées, les caves ; sportives comme le vélo, VTT, randonnées, canoës, barques ; ludiques comme des baignades, croisières, des chasses aux trésors, montgolfières Bref, pas dennui.

La chambre des hirondelles est agréable et confortable. Nous avons bien dormi. Possibilité de se préparer des repas sur place et dutiliser un frigo. Vente de boissons. Petit déjeuner gargantuesque et succulent : viennoiseries, pain, jus, yaourt, crêpes, etc Excellent !!! Piscine agréable, même si elle est sans doute un peu petite pour tous les occupants.

Les hôtes sont de bon conseil et très engageants. Excellent accueil.

Bref, nous recommandons.
Review by: lafeve, Sep 23 2013 3:17PM
Nous avons passé une nuit mon chéri notre bébé et moi même en septembre et se fût un réel plaisir. Les propritaires sont très chaleureux, vous font sentir comme chez vous. Les chambres sont propres et spacieuses avec une entrée indépendante ce qui est très agréable. La maison est au calme à la nature et proche du zoo de beauval. Nous avons beaucoup apprécié notre séjour dans cette maison et nous reviendrons très vite.

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To reach us from St Aignan, follow these directions:
- Start by crossing the Cher bridge, which will bring you into St Aignan if you are coming from Noyers.
- Once you have crossed the bridge, take a right turn towards Mareuil.
- Continue straight along the Cher until you reach the sign for Mareuil sur Cher at the entrance of the village.
- After passing the sign, you will notice another sign on your left indicating Les dauphins de Mareuil, which is 3 km away. Take a left turn at this sign and follow the road.
- Keep an eye on your odometer and drive straight for exactly 3 km. The road will ascend and turn.
- After covering 3 km, you will spot rue (or dead end) de l'Aillerie on your right.
- Drive for approximately 300 m and you will arrive in front of a large gate adorned with amphorae on the pillars. There will also be a plaque numbered 4 with dolphins.
- Congratulations, you have reached your destination.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
5 74 156 28 oui


Swimming Pool


  • Château de Chenonceau: Located about 5 kilometers from Mareuil Sur Cher, this stunning castle is built over the Cher River and is known for its beautiful architecture and extensive gardens. It is one of the most famous and visited castles in France.
  • ZooParc de Beauval: Situated approximately 7 kilometers away, this renowned zoo is home to over 10,000 animals, including rare species like giant pandas. The zoo also features various shows and attractions, making it a perfect destination for families.
  • Château de Montpoupon: Around 10 kilometers from Mareuil Sur Cher, this charming castle offers visitors a glimpse into the life of French nobility. It features well-preserved interiors, a museum of hunting, and beautiful surrounding gardens.
  • Château de Cheverny: Located approximately 20 kilometers away, this elegant castle is known for its stunning architecture and well-maintained interiors. It is also famous for being the inspiration behind Hergé's Moulinsart in the Tintin comics.
  • Château de Valençay: Situated about 25 kilometers from Mareuil Sur Cher, this grand castle is a combination of Renaissance and Classical architectural styles. It offers visitors guided tours of its opulent interiors and expansive gardens.
  • Maison des Vins de Cheverny: Positioned around 20 kilometers away, this wine house allows visitors to taste and purchase a wide variety of local wines. It is a great place to learn about the region's wine production and indulge in some wine tasting.
  • Parc Naturel Régional de la Brenne: Located approximately 60 kilometers from Mareuil Sur Cher, this regional nature park is known for its diverse flora and fauna. It offers numerous walking and cycling trails, as well as opportunities for birdwatching and nature photography.
  • Château de Amboise: Situated about 50 kilometers away, this historic castle overlooks the Loire River and offers breathtaking panoramic views. It was also the residence of several French kings and is home to the tomb of Leonardo da Vinci.
  • Château de Blois: Positioned around 60 kilometers from Mareuil Sur Cher, this majestic castle showcases a mix of architectural styles ranging from Gothic to Renaissance. It houses a museum that displays an extensive collection of artifacts and artworks. 10. Caves Monmousseau: Located approximately 5 kilometers away, these underground caves offer visitors the opportunity to explore the fascinating world of winemaking. The guided tours explain the process of making sparkling wine and conclude with a tasting session. Please note that distances mentioned are approximate and may vary depending on the specific route taken.

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