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Anneke et Rembert Marynen-Millian
2900 Chemin Des Campeaux
Saint Julien Le Montagnier


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Price per night:

price from €88




Description for B&B:

Situated in the heart of Provence, between the Mediterranean and Verdons Canyon, the "Domaine des Campeaux" is a stunning property located in the upper Var. This magnificent 82-acre estate, only 3 km away from the charming village of Saint Julien le Montagnier, serves as the perfect base for unforgettable excursions. Nestled at an altitude of 560 meters, the "Domaine des Campeaux" offers a tranquil oasis with a panoramic view of the hidden gems of Provence. Anneke and Rembert, the hosts of this exceptional property, will delight guests with their marvelous French cuisine, served each morning and evening. To beat the summer heat, guests can take a refreshing dip in the 16.5m x 7m swimming pool, while children have their own reserved paddling pool, both equipped with safety audible alarms.

Description for Gite

The "Domaine des Campeaux" is located in the heart of Provence, in the upper Var region, nestled between the Mediterranean and Verdons canyon. It is perfectly situated in the triangle formed by the charming villages of Ginasservis, Vinon sur Verdon, and Gréoux les Bains.

This magnificent estate spans across 82 acres and is a mere 3 km away from the picturesque village of Saint Julien le Montagnier. It serves as the perfect base for unforgettable excursions. Perched at an altitude of 560 meters, the "Domaine des Campeaux" offers a tranquil oasis with a panoramic view of the hidden treasures of Provence.

Anneke and Rembert, your gracious hosts, will delight your taste buds with their marvelous French cuisine each morning and evening. For a refreshing dip, the property boasts a spacious swimming pool measuring 16.5m x 7m. There is also a separate paddling pool reserved for children, and both pools are equipped with safety audible alarms.


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After reaching St Pierre, which is a quarter of St Julien, proceed to the wine cellar known as "cave de St Julien". Drive for 300 meters and then make a left turn onto "Chemin des Guis" in order to reach some houses.
From these houses, you can start your journey on "chemin des Campeaux". Continue on this road for approximately 2900 meters.
Note: Please avoid going up to the old village of Saint Julien.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 88 88 616 616 20 oui
(3 pers.)
1 122 122 854 854 20 oui
Holiday Home 4 750 1250 50 non


Swimming Pool


  • Gorges du Verdon: Located about 30 kilometers northeast of Saint Julien Le Montagnier, the Gorges du Verdon is a stunning natural attraction often referred to as the "Grand Canyon of Europe." Visitors can enjoy breathtaking views, hike along the rim, or take a boat ride on the turquoise waters of the Verdon River.
  • Lac de Sainte-Croix: Situated at the entrance of the Gorges du Verdon, Lac de Sainte-Croix is a beautiful lake renowned for its crystal-clear waters. It offers various water activities such as swimming, kayaking, paddleboarding, and even electric boat rentals. The surrounding nature and beaches make it a perfect spot for a relaxing day.
  • Thoronet Abbey: Located approximately 25 kilometers southwest of Saint Julien Le Montagnier, Thoronet Abbey is a medieval Cistercian abbey known for its simple yet elegant architecture. Visitors can explore the peaceful surroundings, admire the Romanesque design, and attend classical music concerts held in the abbey during certain periods.
  • Aups: A charming village situated about 17 kilometers north of Saint Julien Le Montagnier, Aups is famous for its truffle market. Truffle enthusiasts can visit the market to discover and purchase these highly-prized delicacies. The village itself is picturesque, with narrow streets, old buildings, and a vibrant atmosphere.
  • Cotignac: Located approximately 19 kilometers northwest of Saint Julien Le Montagnier, Cotignac is a picturesque village known for its unique rock formations and stunning scenery. Visitors can explore the village's narrow streets, visit the historic Church of Saint Peter, and enjoy panoramic views from the cliffs surrounding the town.
  • Le Castellet: Situated about 50 kilometers southeast of Saint Julien Le Montagnier, Le Castellet is a medieval village perched on a hilltop. It offers visitors a chance to step back in time with its charming cobblestone streets, ancient fortifications, and panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. The village also hosts various art galleries and boutiques.
  • Brignoles: Located approximately 20 kilometers southwest of Saint Julien Le Montagnier, Brignoles is a historic town with a rich architectural heritage. Visitors can explore the medieval streets, visit the Saint-Sauveur Church, and discover the Renaissance-style Brignoles Castle. The town also hosts a lively weekly market where visitors can taste local produce and specialties.
  • Château d'Entrecasteaux: Situated about 35 kilometers southwest of Saint Julien Le Montagnier, Château d'Entrecasteaux is a magnificent castle surrounded by lush gardens. Visitors can take guided tours of the castle's interior, stroll through the beautifully landscaped gardens, and admire the impressive water features, including cascades and fountains. These attractions offer a diverse range of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and historical sites, ensuring a memorable experience for tourists visiting Saint Julien Le Montagnier and its surroundings.

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