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Christiane Krächter
Domaine de Las Planques


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Price per night:

price from €75



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Description for B&B:

Discover the enchanting allure of this exquisite residence nestled in the heart of the "Black Mountain," perfectly positioned halfway between Toulouse and Carcassonne. With its timeless appeal, this stunning abode emanates a sense of old-world charm that is sure to captivate.


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To travel from Toulouse to Carcassonne, take the Two Seas highway. Once you reach Castelnaudary, take the exit leading to Revel.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 75 85 oui
Holiday Home 1 650 950 non


Swimming Pool
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  • Canal du Midi: Located just a short distance from Domaine de Las Planques, the Canal du Midi is a UNESCO World Heritage site and a popular tourist attraction. Visitors can enjoy walking or cycling along the scenic canal, taking a boat trip, or simply admiring the beautiful surroundings.
  • Revel Market: The vibrant Revel Market is held every Saturday and is a must-visit for food lovers and bargain hunters. Browse through stalls selling fresh produce, local delicacies, crafts, clothing, and more. This bustling market offers a great opportunity to experience the local culture and taste some delicious French treats.
  • Saint-Ferréol Lake: Nestled in the stunning Lauragais region, Saint-Ferréol Lake is a picturesque spot offering various recreational activities. Visitors can swim in the clear waters, go boating or kayaking, have a picnic by the shore, or take a leisurely walk along the scenic trails surrounding the lake.
  • Le Moulin de Cugarel: This historic windmill, located in Nailloux, is a fascinating attraction to explore. Dating back to the 18th century, Le Moulin de Cugarel offers guided tours where you can learn about the traditional milling process and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside from the top.
  • Château de Montgey: Situated in Montgey, the Château de Montgey is a well-preserved medieval castle. Visitors can take a guided tour of the castle and discover its rich history, admire the architectural details, and enjoy the beautiful views from its towers. The castle also hosts various cultural events and exhibitions throughout the year.
  • Sorèze Abbey: A short drive away from Revel-Vaudreuille, Sorèze Abbey is a magnificent Benedictine abbey founded in the 8th century. This architectural gem features stunning cloisters, a museum showcasing the abbey's history, and a renowned school of arts and crafts. Take a guided tour to fully appreciate the beauty and cultural significance of this historic site.
  • Lac de la Ganguise: Situated in the Lauragais region, Lac de la Ganguise offers a peaceful retreat for nature enthusiasts. The lake is perfect for fishing, sailing, windsurfing, and picnicking. Visitors can also explore the surrounding trails, spot local wildlife, or simply relax on the lakeshore and enjoy the serene atmosphere.
  • Maison des Mémoires: Located in the nearby town of Revel, Maison des Mémoires is a museum dedicated to the history and heritage of the region. Housed in a beautiful 17th-century building, the museum showcases various exhibits, artifacts, and documents that provide insights into the local history, traditions, and cultural life of Revel and its surroundings. These attractions near Domaine de Las Planques offer a diverse range of experiences, from exploring historical sites and natural landscapes to immersing yourself in local markets and cultural heritage.

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