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Contact Details:


Wilbert Elferink
Font Neuve


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €155


+31 0565370304


+31 0612094942


Description for Gite

Font Neuve is a sprawling 10-hectare estate boasting a collection of four beautifully reconstructed apartments within an old farmhouse. As you pass through the gates of Font Neuve, you will be transported into a serene and picturesque valley, offering a haven of tranquility and complete freedom. Despite its secluded location, Font Neuve is conveniently situated just 2 kilometers from the bustling center of Souillac, providing easy access to all necessary amenities.

The apartments at Font Neuve are a testament to luxury and style, featuring tasteful decor and equipped with all the modern comforts. A restful night's sleep is guaranteed on our first-class boxspring beds. The extensive garden offers a wealth of recreational opportunities, including a heated swimming pool, sauna, jacuzzi, and an array of outdoor toys for children, such as a trampoline.

Families with children are warmly welcomed at Font Neuve, and we make it easy for parents to enjoy a night out by providing access to reliable babysitters. Font Neuve is more than just a place to stay; it is a veritable paradise that will entice you to extend your visit and savor every moment.


Appréciations pour Font Neuve, Souillac:

Belle maison dans un cadre nature et tranquille
Review by: Arnaud Viguie, Aou 8 2014 1:41AM
Nous avons passé deux nuits (normalement les réservations se font au moins sur 3 nuits) à font neuve. Le gîte est peu indiqué depuis la route principale, donc prenez bien le temps de regarder sur google maps avant de venir en voiture. Le gîte était très bien, superbe propriété avec piscine. J'étais avec une famille américano-russe, ils ont été tous enchantés. Le marché de Souillac, avec un centre-ville magnifique, est à 5mn en voiture. Un manteau a été oublié, le propriétaire a eu la gentillesse de l'envoyer par la poste. Attention à bien lire les conditions de réservation cependant : les serviettes ne sont pas incluses dans le prix de la réservation.

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extra bed
Apartment 4 95 237 665 1659 00


Swimming Pool


  • Château de Beynac: Located approximately 16 kilometers from Font Neuve, Château de Beynac is a well-preserved medieval fortress perched on a cliff overlooking the Dordogne River. Visitors can explore its impressive architecture, historical artifacts, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Grotte de Lascaux: Just 9 kilometers away, the Grotte de Lascaux is an archaeological site famous for its prehistoric cave paintings. Although the original cave is closed to the public, a replica known as Lascaux II offers visitors a chance to witness the stunning artwork created by early humans thousands of years ago.
  • Jardins de Marqueyssac: Situated approximately 14 kilometers from Font Neuve, the Jardins de Marqueyssac are extensive gardens renowned for their beautifully manicured hedges and breathtaking views of the Dordogne Valley. Visitors can stroll along the winding paths, explore the Belvédère viewpoint, and admire the stunning landscapes.
  • Gouffre de Padirac: Located around 30 kilometers from Font Neuve, the Gouffre de Padirac is a natural limestone cave system. Visitors can take a guided boat tour along an underground river, marvel at the various rock formations, and explore the vast chambers, including the awe-inspiring Grand Dome.
  • Rocamadour: About 25 kilometers away, Rocamadour is a medieval village built into the side of a cliff. It is a popular pilgrimage site and home to several religious landmarks, including the Chapelle Notre-Dame and the Basilique Saint-Sauveur. Visitors can also enjoy panoramic views, wander through the narrow streets, and visit the various shops and restaurants.
  • Château de Castelnaud: Situated approximately 18 kilometers from Font Neuve, the Château de Castelnaud is a fortified castle that now houses a museum of medieval warfare. Visitors can explore the castle's towers, courtyards, and exhibits showcasing weaponry and armor from the Middle Ages.
  • Saint-Cirq-Lapopie: Located around 40 kilometers away, Saint-Cirq-Lapopie is a picturesque village perched on a cliff above the Lot River. Known for its well-preserved medieval architecture, narrow streets, and charming shops, it offers visitors a glimpse into the region's rich history and stunning natural surroundings.
  • Les Jardins d'Eyrignac: Situated approximately 30 kilometers from Font Neuve, Les Jardins d'Eyrignac are renowned for their elegant French-style gardens. Visitors can wander through beautifully landscaped lawns, boxwood hedges, and various themed gardens, immersing themselves in a tranquil and enchanting atmosphere.
  • Quercyland: Just 7 kilometers away, Quercyland is a water park offering a range of attractions and activities for visitors of all ages. From thrilling water slides and pools to mini-golf and inflatable games, it provides a fun-filled day for families and water enthusiasts. 10. Château de Montal: Located around 35 kilometers from Font Neuve, the Château de Montal is a Renaissance-style castle known for its architectural beauty and ornate decorations. Visitors can explore the castle's elegant rooms, admire its stunning facade, and enjoy the surrounding parkland and gardens.

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