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Sophie Frette


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Price per night:

price from €70




Description for B&B:


If you are in search of the sun, the contrasting shades of an alley, and the luminosity of the sea, along with the charm of old stones next to diverse architectural styles, coupled with the culture and pleasures tied to the sea, then you have arrived in Marseille! This welcoming city, often overlooked as France's second largest, is truly captivating when you allow yourself to be guided by its emotions at every street corner. Bursting with colors, scents, smiles, and Mediterranean exuberance, Marseille will surely captivate you. Indulge in its gastronomy, delightful seafood, southern specialties, and a wide variety of wines that will tantalize your taste buds. Rest assured, I would be delighted to welcome you to my "Marseillaise" guest house and assist you in discovering the beauty of our Provence. The location is also ideal for business travelers, with convenient access to public transportation (bus, subway) and major roads.

My guest house is nestled in a peaceful residential area of the 12th district, surrounded by greenery where cicadas find respite to express themselves. It is my hope that this tranquil setting will enchant you. This year, I am offering a newly renovated studio flat that opens up to a shaded terrace equipped with comfortable outdoor furniture for two or even three people. The flat includes a bedroom with a choice of a 160cm bed or 2x80cm beds, a lounge area with a sofa that can also be used as a third sleeping option, and a bathroom with toilet facilities. You will have access to a mini refrigerator, hairdryer, kettle, and tea and coffee provisions. And of course, you can also enjoy a refreshing dip in the swimming pool after your adventures. Private parking is available for your convenience.

For breakfast, I will gladly welcome you either inside the house or on the summer terrace overlooking the swimming pool and the picturesque hills of Marseille.


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extra bed
(3 pers.)
1 70 90 10 oui


Swimming Pool

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