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Contact Details:


Bernard Barthelemy


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Price per week:

price from €300




Description for Gite

Experience a delightful and roomy vacation rental in the captivating town of Sainte-Luce, Martinique. Nestled within a villa just a mere 100 meters away from the beach, our fully furnished and well-appointed apartments offer the perfect getaway for your seasonal stay.
Conveniently situated near the city center, you'll have easy access to all the amenities you desire, as well as the stunning beaches along the enchanting Caribbean Sea. Indulge in your favorite hobbies at the various clubs available, whether it be scuba diving, windsurfing, sea canoeing, or exploring the yachting marina in Marin.
For nature enthusiasts, there are endless opportunities to embark on exhilarating excursions along different trails, ensuring an unforgettable experience.


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Apartment 4 300 600




  • Les Salines de Sainte-Luce: Located in the town of Sainte-Luce, Les Salines is a salt marsh where visitors can learn about the traditional salt production process. The site offers guided tours, educational exhibits, and a chance to witness stunning natural landscapes.
  • Anse Corps de Garde: Anse Corps de Garde is a beautiful beach located near Sainte-Luce. Its calm turquoise waters, golden sand, and lush surroundings make it a popular spot for swimming, sunbathing, and picnicking. The beach also offers stunning views of the nearby Diamond Rock.
  • Habitation Clément: Situated in Le François, just a short drive from Gros-raisins, Habitation Clément is a historic plantation turned museum. Visitors can explore the beautifully preserved estate, learn about the history of rum production in Martinique, and admire contemporary art exhibitions.
  • Diamond Rock: Located off the coast of Sainte-Luce, Diamond Rock is a distinctive rock formation rising from the sea. This uninhabited islet offers excellent snorkeling and diving opportunities, as it is surrounded by vibrant coral reefs and is home to an array of marine life.
  • Trois-Rivières Rum Distillery: Situated in the town of Trois-Rivières, this rum distillery offers guided tours where visitors can learn about the traditional methods of rum production. The distillery is set amidst picturesque surroundings, offering panoramic views of the countryside and the Caribbean Sea.
  • Le Diamant: Le Diamant is a charming seaside town near Sainte-Luce known for its iconic rock formation, also named Le Diamant. The beach in Le Diamant is perfect for long walks, sunbathing, and enjoying breathtaking views of the rock and the turquoise waters.
  • Les Gorges de la Falaise: Located in Le Robert, Les Gorges de la Falaise is a natural attraction featuring lush vegetation, cascading waterfalls, and crystal-clear swimming pools. Visitors can hike along the trails, take refreshing dips in the pools, and enjoy the tranquility of the surrounding nature.
  • Ecomusée de Martinique: Situated in the town of Rivière-Pilote, the Ecomusée de Martinique offers a glimpse into the island's cultural and historical heritage. The museum showcases traditional Creole houses, artifacts, and exhibits that provide insight into the life of Martinique's past generations.
  • Le Marin Marina: Le Marin Marina is a bustling marina located in the town of Le Marin. It is a popular spot for boating enthusiasts, offering a wide range of services, shops, and restaurants. Visitors can enjoy a leisurely stroll along the waterfront and admire the picturesque boats and yachts. 10. Le Jardin de Balata: Located in Fort-de-France, just a short drive from Sainte-Luce, Le Jardin de Balata is a stunning botanical garden. It features a vast collection of tropical plants, including exotic flowers, towering palm trees, and vibrant orchids. Visitors can explore the garden's winding paths and admire the vibrant colors and fragrances of the flora.