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Contact Details:


Blandine Hor
1100 Route De Saint Julien
Le Mesnil-durand


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €387





Description for B&B:

At Lieu Baudouin, your bedroom offers a comfortable space with a double bed and a single bed. You will have the convenience of a private bathroom equipped with a bathtub and a hair dryer. Additionally, you will find a kettle, a coffee machine, and a toaster, perfect for enjoying a delightful breakfast either as soon as you wake up or peacefully on the balcony, where you can admire the picturesque valley views. Rest assured, the room undergoes thorough disinfection after each occupant for your safety and peace of mind. Furthermore, your hosts prioritize your well-being by wearing masks during your interactions.


Appréciations pour Le Lieu Baudouin, Le Mesnil-durand:

Super adresse
Review by: Philippe MICHEL-DUHAUT, Aou 14 2021 9:17PM
La chaleur et la gentillesse sont de mise ici.
La petite famille reçoit ses visiteurs avec beaucoup de soin. Leur 4 filles sont délicieuses.
Le repas concocté par Blandine et le Dr Ting HOR était tout à fait excellent.
Nous nous sommes laissés charmer par la cuisine chinoise proposée par le maître des lieux et sa femme. Nous faire partager la cuisine de son pays était une belle surprise.
Pas très normand ce repas (puisque chinois), mais tellement goûteux et savoureux. Authentique et familiale.
La chambre est tout simplement immense et chaleureuse. Décoration simple mais de bon goût.
Le charme des vieilles demeures normandes avec vue magnifique sur la nature verdoyante. Dépaysement garanti.

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To reach your destination, follow these directions: Take the road connecting Lisieux and Livarot. After passing Mesnil-Durands church, continue for 200 metres. Then, head towards Saint-Julien-le-Faucon on the same road. Your destination will be just before the sign indicating the end of the village.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 387 387 10


Animals Allowed


  • Château de Crèvecoeur-en-Auge: Located about 9 km away, this medieval castle offers a glimpse into the past with its well-preserved architecture and beautiful gardens. Visitors can explore the castle's interior and learn about its history through informative exhibits.
  • Lisieux Cathedral: Situated approximately 12 km from your location, this stunning cathedral is a must-visit for architecture and history enthusiasts. Dating back to the 13th century, it showcases a mix of Gothic and Renaissance styles and houses important religious artifacts.
  • Cerza Safari Park: Located around 17 km away, this wildlife park is home to over 1,500 animals from various continents. Visitors can embark on a safari-like experience, either by foot or by taking a guided tour in a safari vehicle, to observe exotic animals in their natural habitats.
  • Basilica of Saint Thérèse: Situated in Lisieux, just under 14 km away, this prominent pilgrimage site is dedicated to Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, a beloved French Catholic saint. The basilica's stunning architecture, serene atmosphere, and beautiful gardens make it a popular destination for spiritual and cultural exploration.
  • Château de Vendeuvre: Located approximately 28 km away, this charming Renaissance-style castle is surrounded by picturesque gardens and features a vast collection of furniture, tapestries, and artwork. Visitors can enjoy exploring the castle's interior and strolling through its enchanting gardens.
  • Château de Canon: Situated about 19 km from your location, this 18th-century castle is known for its stunning classical architecture and well-manicured gardens. Guided tours allow visitors to learn about the castle's history and admire its impressive collection of antique furniture and artwork.
  • Honfleur: Situated around 45 km away, this picturesque coastal town is renowned for its charming harbor, colorful buildings, and rich maritime history. Visitors can wander through the narrow streets lined with art galleries, enjoy fresh seafood at waterfront restaurants, and soak in the town's unique ambiance.
  • Deauville: Located approximately 50 km from your location, Deauville is a glamorous seaside resort known for its luxurious hotels, sandy beaches, and prestigious horse racing events. Visitors can indulge in high-end shopping, try their luck at the casino, or simply relax on the beach and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere.
  • Omaha Beach: Situated about 75 km away, this historic beach was one of the landing sites during the D-Day invasion of Normandy in World War II. Today, it serves as a memorial and a place of remembrance, with monuments and museums dedicated to the events that took place during the war. 10. Mont Saint-Michel: Located approximately 125 km from your location, this iconic medieval abbey is a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of France's most famous landmarks. Situated on a rocky island, the abbey offers breathtaking views and a unique architectural experience, drawing millions of visitors each year.

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