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Bernadette Bonhomme Faivre
958 Route des Pierres Dorées
Saint Jean des Vignes



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Price per night:

price from €80






Description for B&B:

This Bed and Breakfast is truly stunning, offering ample space and comfort for up to three people. The accommodation features a well-equipped kitchenette, a cozy bathroom, and a lovely terrace that boasts a breathtaking view of the village and surrounding nature. With its own independent entrance, guests can enjoy their privacy to the fullest. In addition, the breakfasts provided are both satisfying and delicious. The location is perfect for outdoor enthusiasts, with nearby hiking trails and golf courses. For those interested in wine, there are plenty of opportunities for local wine tasting. Furthermore, the area is dotted with charming, classified villages that are worth exploring. And if you're looking to visit the vibrant city of Lyon, it is just a short 25-minute drive away.


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To reach our destination from Lyon, simply follow the signs towards Frank Saone Civrieux Azergues. Then, take the small road leading to Lozanne Saint Jean des Vignes. Our place is conveniently located just 3 kilometers away from Lozanne and Chazay Azergues. You will find us on the road below the church. For more detailed instructions, please refer to the "Access" section on our website.



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extra bed
Notes: Tarif 1 personne : 65 €


Swimming Pool


  • Beaujolais Vineyards: Located just a few kilometers away from the given address, the Beaujolais Vineyards offer breathtaking landscapes and the chance to taste some of the finest wines in France. This renowned wine region is known for its picturesque vineyards and charming wine villages.
  • Oingt Village: Situated in the heart of the Beaujolais region, Oingt is a medieval village known for its well-preserved architecture and historic charm. Take a leisurely stroll through its narrow streets, admire the ancient houses, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding vineyards.
  • Pérouges: Located approximately 40 kilometers northeast of the given address, Pérouges is a beautifully preserved medieval town. Wander through its cobblestone streets, visit the Church of Sainte-Marie-Madeleine, and savor the local specialty, Galette de Pérouges, a delicious pastry.
  • Lyon: As one of France's most vibrant cities, Lyon is a must-visit destination near Saint Jean des Vignes. Explore its UNESCO-listed Old Town (Vieux Lyon), admire the Basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourvière, discover the traboules (hidden passageways), and indulge in the city's renowned gastronomy.
  • Parc de la Tête d'Or: Located in Lyon, Parc de la Tête d'Or is a vast urban park spanning over 100 hectares. It offers beautiful landscapes, a large lake, botanical gardens, a zoo, and numerous recreational activities. Take a relaxing walk, rent a boat, or visit the zoo to see exotic animals.
  • Musée des Confluences: Situated at the confluence of the Rhône and Saône rivers in Lyon, Musée des Confluences is a striking museum dedicated to natural history, anthropology, and civilizations. Explore its fascinating exhibitions, admire the modern architecture, and enjoy panoramic views of the city.
  • Vienne: Located approximately 30 kilometers south of the given address, Vienne is an ancient Roman town with rich historical and archaeological sites. Visit the Roman Theater, the Temple of Augustus and Livia, and stroll through the charming streets of the medieval town center.
  • Monts du Beaujolais: If you enjoy nature and outdoor activities, the Monts du Beaujolais are a perfect destination. This hilly region offers scenic hiking and cycling trails, picturesque landscapes, and the opportunity to discover charming villages nestled in the mountains.
  • Château de Montmelas: Situated in the heart of the Beaujolais region, the Château de Montmelas is a beautiful castle dating back to the 12th century. Explore its elegant architecture, wander through the surrounding vineyards, and enjoy wine tastings in the castle's cellar. 10. Château de Bagnols: Located approximately 20 kilometers west of the given address, the Château de Bagnols is a stunning medieval castle transformed into a luxurious hotel. Admire its well-preserved architecture, take a guided tour, or enjoy a gourmet meal in its Michelin-starred restaurant.

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