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Francois et Brigitte d'Ambrieres
Chateau de Mirvault



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Price per night:

price from €60






Description for B&B:

Located in the western Loire, just south of Normandy, the château de Mirvault sits on a tree-lined drive that is often frequented by red squirrels and rabbits. Surrounded by fields and copses, the château is nestled in the middle of a park that leads down to the banks of the picturesque Mayenne river. For fishing enthusiasts, there is a conveniently located barrage nearby, while those seeking a leisurely experience can take our boat out on gentle trips through the locks along this charming river. With a rich history dating back to the 16th century, the château de Mirvault is not only a stunning landmark but also a cherished family home that exudes a sense of contentment and continuity. Conveniently situated just a kilometer outside the old town of Château-gontier, we are easily accessible from most channel ports. Additionally, we are a short 20-kilometer drive from Laval, 45 minutes from Angers, and an hour from the renowned racing circuit at Le Mans and some of the magnificent Loire châteaux. For those traveling from Paris, our location is just a three-hour journey.


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Take the N162 highway heading north from Chateau-Gontier towards Laval.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 60 80 25 oui
(3 pers.)
1 105 105 oui


Swimming Pool


  • Refuge de l'Arche: Located in Château-Gontier, Refuge de l'Arche is a renowned animal sanctuary and nature reserve. It houses over 1,500 animals and offers visitors a chance to observe various species, including big cats, primates, and birds.
  • Basilique Notre-Dame de l'Epine: Situated in Évron, this stunning basilica is a major pilgrimage destination. Known for its Gothic architecture and beautiful stained glass windows, it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a must-visit for history and architecture enthusiasts.
  • Jardin de la Perrine: Found in Laval, Jardin de la Perrine is a picturesque public garden overlooking the Mayenne River. With beautifully landscaped gardens, fountains, and stunning views, it provides a tranquil and scenic setting for a leisurely walk or picnic.
  • Musée Robert Tatin: Located in Cossé-le-Vivien, Musée Robert Tatin is an art museum dedicated to the works of the French artist Robert Tatin. The museum showcases Tatin's unique sculptures and paintings, blending various styles and influences, and offers visitors a glimpse into his imaginative world.
  • Cité Médiévale de Sainte-Suzanne: Situated near Château-Gontier, the Medieval City of Sainte-Suzanne is a well-preserved medieval fortress town. Visitors can explore the ancient ramparts, admire the charming architecture, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Château de Laval: Located in Laval, the Château de Laval is an impressive castle dating back to the 11th century. Now serving as a museum, it offers visitors a chance to discover the history and heritage of the region through its exhibitions and stunning architecture.
  • Musée du Château-Gontier: Situated in Château-Gontier, this museum showcases the local history and culture of the region. It houses a diverse collection of artifacts, artworks, and historical documents, providing insights into the area's rich heritage.
  • Port de la Meilleraie: Found in Château-Gontier, Port de la Meilleraie is a picturesque waterfront area along the Mayenne River. With its charming promenade, historic buildings, and boat tours, it offers a delightful spot to relax, enjoy the scenery, and experience the river's beauty.
  • Château de Craon: Located in Craon, the Château de Craon is an elegant Renaissance-style castle surrounded by beautiful gardens and a moat. Visitors can explore the grounds, admire the architectural details, and learn about the castle's history through guided tours. 10. Village de Saint-Céneré: Situated near Château-Gontier, the Village of Saint-Céneré is a quaint and picturesque village known for its well-preserved traditional houses and charming streets. Strolling through the village allows visitors to experience the authentic rural atmosphere of the region.

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