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Elisabeth Lacroix
365, chemin du Jubin
Saint Forgeux


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Price per night:

price from €65






Description for B&B:

Elisabeth and Regis happily invite you to their charming 17th-century farmhouse, Le Clos du Jubin, nestled between Beaujolais and Monts du Lyonnais. With 4 guest rooms classified as 3-star Gites de France, it is the perfect destination for a relaxing stopover, a romantic weekend escape, or a delightful family getaway away from the bustling metropolis of Lyon.

The farmhouse, typical of the region between the Loire and Rhône, features a picturesque interior courtyard that adds to its rustic charm. You will have access to private parking and a lovely terrace with a garden on the west side, where you can unwind and soak in the tranquil surroundings.

Additionally, we are pleased to offer a range of complimentary baby equipment upon request, including a cot, high chair, changing mat, bouncer, bath, potty, toilet trainer, and booster seat.


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To travel from Lyon to Saint Forgeux, follow these directions: Take the A6 highway towards Paris and then continue on the A89 motorway in the direction of CLERMONT. Exit at number 35 and follow the signs towards PONTCHARRA SUR TURDINE Centre. Once in the center of Pontcharra, turn left towards Saint Forgeux - Pannissières. Drive through the entire village of Saint Forgeux, which is approximately 2 kilometers long. Stay on the main road and after passing the town hall on your right, take the second street on your right (chemin de la Charrière). Continue uphill on this street for 1.2 kilometers. We recommend using Waze or Google Maps for navigation assistance.

If you are traveling from Paris to Saint Forgeux, follow these directions: Take the A6 highway towards Lyon and take the exit for Villefranche Sur Saone. Follow the signs for Roanne and then continue on the D338 and N7 roads towards Tarare. At Bridges Tarrets, take the exit for Pontcharra Turdine center. Once in the center of Pontcharra, turn left towards Saint Forgeux - Pannissières. Drive through Saint Forgeux and at the village exit (with the football stadium on your left), take the second road on the right towards Ronzière Castle. After 1 kilometer, turn right towards Jubin and follow the signs for "Le Clos du Jubin."



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 65 79 20 Oui
(3 pers.)
3 82 89 20 Oui


Disabled Access
Credit cards accepted


  • Château de Saint Forgeux: Located within walking distance of your location, the Château de Saint Forgeux is a beautiful medieval castle. Explore its historic architecture and learn about its rich history as you wander through its well-preserved grounds.
  • Parc des Oiseaux: Situated in Villars-les-Dombes, approximately 30 minutes away by car, Parc des Oiseaux is a unique bird park that showcases a diverse range of bird species from all around the world. Enjoy bird shows, walk through aviaries, and educational exhibits in this family-friendly attraction.
  • Abbaye de Savigny: Located in Saint-Symphorien-sur-Coise, about 40 minutes away by car, Abbaye de Savigny is a picturesque abbey with a fascinating history. Explore the ancient ruins, visit the museum, and marvel at the stunning medieval architecture of this tranquil site.
  • Lyon: Situated approximately 45 minutes away by car, Lyon is a vibrant city known for its rich history, beautiful architecture, and delicious cuisine. Explore the Old Town (Vieux Lyon), visit the iconic Basilique Notre-Dame de Fourvière, and indulge in some traditional Lyonnaise dishes during your visit.
  • Lac des Sapins: Located in Cublize, around 30 minutes away by car, Lac des Sapins is a stunning lake surrounded by forests. It offers a range of recreational activities, including swimming, hiking, fishing, and boating. Enjoy a picnic by the lakeside or relax on the sandy beach.
  • Musée de la Mine de Saint-Pierre-la-Palud: Situated in Saint-Pierre-la-Palud, approximately 15 minutes away by car, this mining museum provides insight into the region's coal mining history. Explore the underground tunnels, learn about the lives of miners, and discover the tools and machinery used in this once-thriving industry.
  • Monts du Lyonnais: A scenic mountain range located near Saint Forgeux, the Monts du Lyonnais offer stunning views, picturesque villages, and numerous hiking trails. Take a leisurely drive through the charming countryside or embark on a hike to enjoy the natural beauty of the region.
  • Musée du Chapeau: Situated in Chazelles-sur-Lyon, about 30 minutes away by car, the Musée du Chapeau (Hat Museum) showcases the history and craftsmanship of hat-making. Discover the evolution of hat styles, learn about the techniques used in creating them, and admire the collection of beautifully crafted hats.
  • Musée des Confluences: Located in Lyon, approximately 45 minutes away by car, the Musée des Confluences is a striking museum dedicated to natural history, anthropology, and science. Discover fascinating exhibits and interactive displays that explore the connections between different cultures and the natural world. 10. Parc de Lacroix Laval: Situated in Marcy-l'Étoile, around 30 minutes away by car, Parc de Lacroix Laval is a vast park that offers a peaceful escape from the city. Enjoy walking trails, picnic areas, and a zoo, making it a great place for families and nature lovers to unwind and enjoy the outdoors.

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