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Horse Voyage
494 Rue de La Mare
Bosc La Mer


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Price per week:

price from €535




Description for Gite

We offer a cozy room equipped with a comfortable double bed, a spacious wardrobe, and a chest of drawers. Additionally, there is another room with two single beds and a wardrobe. In the living room, there is a convenient sofa bed that can accommodate two people.

Our wooden chalet is truly one-of-a-kind and is nestled within our family's property, surrounded by beautiful trees and vibrant flowers. Rest assured that you will enjoy complete privacy, as the chalet is secluded from both the outside world and our main house.

For nature enthusiasts, we have a charming horse stable and sprawling pastures nearby. Guests are welcome to explore the stunning surroundings and can even take advantage of our bicycles, suitable for both adults and children.

If you're seeking some excitement, an amusement park awaits just 2 kilometers away, while a zoo can be found 4 kilometers from our location. For those who enjoy watersports and swimming, an 8-kilometer journey will take you to a fantastic water sports facility and swimming pool.

Should you wish to explore the area further, the historic town of Rouen is a mere 25 kilometers away, offering a wealth of tourist attractions. Additionally, the picturesque beaches of DIEPPE, along with its bustling port and daily trips to England, are just 35 kilometers from our chalet.


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To reach your destination, take the road to Rouen-Dieppe and continue until you reach CLERES THE rockcod. From there, proceed onto the rue de la Mare Bosc Sea.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Holiday Home 1 85 85 535,50 535,50 10 non


Animals Allowed


  • Étretat Cliffs: Located about 25 kilometers northwest of Bosc La Mer, Étretat Cliffs are famous for their stunning white chalk cliffs and natural arches. Visitors can enjoy breathtaking views of the English Channel and take scenic hikes along the coastal paths.
  • Honfleur: Situated approximately 50 kilometers northeast of Bosc La Mer, Honfleur is a picturesque port town known for its charming old harbor, colorful buildings, and historic landmarks. The town offers a delightful mix of art galleries, seafood restaurants, and traditional architecture.
  • Rouen Cathedral: Located around 60 kilometers east of Bosc La Mer, Rouen Cathedral is a remarkable Gothic masterpiece that dates back to the 12th century. The cathedral's intricate architecture, stunning stained glass windows, and rich history make it a must-visit attraction for history and architecture enthusiasts.
  • Jardin des Plantes de Rouen: Situated in Rouen, approximately 60 kilometers from Bosc La Mer, Jardin des Plantes is a beautiful botanical garden that spans over 12 hectares. The garden showcases a diverse range of plant species, including rare and exotic plants, and offers a tranquil atmosphere for nature lovers.
  • Château de Dieppe: Located around 70 kilometers northwest of Bosc La Mer, Château de Dieppe is a historic castle overlooking the English Channel. Dating back to the 15th century, the castle now houses the Dieppe Museum, which exhibits a collection of maritime artifacts, artworks, and local history.
  • Fécamp Abbey: Situated approximately 40 kilometers west of Bosc La Mer, Fécamp Abbey is a former Benedictine abbey that dates back to the 7th century. The abbey's grand architecture, beautiful gardens, and panoramic views of the sea make it a popular tourist destination.
  • Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen: Located in Rouen, around 60 kilometers from Bosc La Mer, Musée des Beaux-Arts is one of the most prestigious art museums in France. The museum houses an extensive collection of paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts, spanning from the Renaissance period to the 21st century.
  • Château d'Arques-la-Bataille: Situated approximately 15 kilometers northeast of Bosc La Mer, Château d'Arques-la-Bataille is a medieval castle surrounded by picturesque gardens. Visitors can explore the castle's fortified walls, towers, and historical exhibits, providing a glimpse into the region's medieval past.
  • Le Havre: Located about 80 kilometers northwest of Bosc La Mer, Le Havre is a vibrant coastal city known for its modern architecture, including the UNESCO-listed Le Havre City Hall. The city also offers beautiful beaches, lively markets, and a thriving cultural scene. 10. Musée des Traditions et Arts Normands: Situated in Martainville-Épreville, approximately 70 kilometers northeast of Bosc La Mer, Musée des Traditions et Arts Normands showcases the traditional rural life and crafts of the Normandy region. The museum's collection includes furniture, costumes, ceramics, and agricultural tools. Please note that distances mentioned are approximate and may vary depending on the specific route taken.

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