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Mathieu Catherine


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price from €90



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Description for B&B:

We offer six spacious and cozy bedrooms, each equipped with a private bathroom, shower, and toilet. Here is a breakdown of the bedroom options we have available:

- One bedroom specifically designed for two persons, providing a comfortable space of 18 square meters.
- Two bedrooms suitable for two or three occupants, offering a generous area of 25 square meters.
- A well-appointed bedroom perfect for two to four individuals, spanning 26 square meters.
- A unique bedroom with a mezzanine level, ideal for accommodating four to five people, encompassing 34 square meters.
- An expansive bedroom featuring two mezzanines, allowing for a group of six guests to enjoy a spacious area of 36 square meters.

Upon request, we can provide internet access and television in the rooms. Additionally, our establishment offers a lounge, library, and a selection of parlour games for your entertainment. For dining purposes, we have two dining rooms available, both equipped with a fireplace, allowing for a maximum seating capacity of 50 individuals.

Description for Gite

This spacious and well-appointed gite offers a generous space of 450 m2 for self-catering accommodation. It boasts six comfortable bedrooms, a cozy sitting room, and a fully equipped professional kitchen. With a capacity to accommodate up to 24 people, this gite is perfect for large groups or families seeking a relaxing and enjoyable stay.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 90 90 oui
(3 pers.)
3 135 135 25 oui
Notes: capacity 5 and 6 people.
Holiday Home 1 800 950 2700 3200 non


Disabled Access
Credit cards accepted


  • Château de Saint-Front: This medieval castle, located in the village of Saint-Front, offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside. Explore the historical architecture and learn about the castle's rich history.
  • Le Puy-en-Velay: Approximately 15 miles away from Saint-Front, Le Puy-en-Velay is a picturesque town known for its stunning architecture and religious significance. Visit the iconic Notre-Dame du Puy Cathedral and the Statue of Notre-Dame de France for a cultural and spiritual experience.
  • Lac du Bouchet: Situated around 12 miles from Saint-Front, Lac du Bouchet is a beautiful volcanic lake nestled in a natural reserve. Enjoy hiking trails, picnic areas, and water activities such as swimming, kayaking, and fishing.
  • Château de Polignac: Located about 20 miles from Saint-Front, the Château de Polignac is a well-preserved medieval fortress. Explore the castle's towers, walls, and courtyards, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.
  • Saint-Flour: Situated approximately 30 miles away, Saint-Flour is a charming town perched on a volcanic hilltop. Discover its well-preserved medieval architecture, including the stunning Saint-Flour Cathedral. Wander through the narrow streets and soak in the picturesque atmosphere.
  • Vulcania: Located around 40 miles from Saint-Front, Vulcania is a unique theme park dedicated to volcanoes and geology. Experience interactive exhibits, educational shows, and thrilling rides that provide insight into the earth's natural forces.
  • Gorges de l'Allier: About 35 miles away, the Gorges de l'Allier offer breathtaking natural scenery and outdoor activities. Enjoy hiking, biking, or canoeing along the river, surrounded by towering cliffs and lush forests.
  • Le Puy-en-Velay's Lace Museum: In the town of Le Puy-en-Velay, visit the Lace Museum to learn about the region's traditional lace-making heritage. Discover the intricate craftsmanship and techniques used to create delicate lacework.
  • Abbey of La Chaise-Dieu: Situated approximately 40 miles from Saint-Front, the Abbey of La Chaise-Dieu is a magnificent medieval abbey known for its stunning architecture and impressive organ. Take a guided tour to learn about its religious and cultural significance. 10. Mont Mouchet: About 25 miles away, Mont Mouchet is a historical site associated with the French Resistance during World War II. Explore the museum dedicated to this period, visit the memorial, and hike to the summit for panoramic views of the area.

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