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Jocelyne Gauthier


2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €48






Description for B&B:

Come and experience the charm of our 19th century haybarn, constructed using local stone and beautifully renovated in 1998 to create comfortable living spaces. Our accommodations consist of three units, one of which boasts two separate rooms, perfect for families.

In addition to providing a cozy place to stay, we are also happy to offer recommendations on local attractions and provide you with brochures and maps to enhance your experience. Stay connected with our available WIFI.

To start your day off right, we offer a continental breakfast complete with a selection of hot beverages, juice, fresh milk, and bread. Our homemade jam will be delivered to your door around nine o'clock.


Appréciations pour Les Granges, Nébouzat:

Review by: Christine, Aou 15 2013 10:47AM
Situé à un point central dans le parc des volcans à quelques minutes du Puy de Dôme en voiture et à deux pas du Puy de la Vache (qui peut être rallié à pied depuis la maison d'hôte). Dans un hameau très rural, calme, facilement accessible. Chambres et sdb propres et fonctionnelles dans une maison fraichement rénovée. Petit-déjeuner généreux. Hôtesse accueillante, prête à vous donner tous les renseignements et documentation utiles. Auberge "traditionnelle" à quelques mètre. Chats affectueux. Bref, à recommander chaudement.
Review by: Greder Anne, Mai 22 2012 10:18PM
Très bon accueil. Chambres propres et confortables. Propriétaires sympathiques. Documentation touristique sur la région très riche. Petit déjeuner copieux et confitures maison variées et délicieuses. Et Popol toujours disponible pour des caresses

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Clermont-Ferrand is located 25 kilometers away.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 48 52 oui
(3 pers.)
3 63 67 oui
Holiday Home 1




  • Vulcania: Vulcania is a popular theme park and educational center dedicated to volcanoes and the Earth's geology. Located in Saint-Ours-les-Roches, just a short drive from Nébouzat, this attraction offers interactive exhibits, breathtaking simulations, and thrilling rides, providing visitors with a unique experience to learn about volcanoes and their impact on our planet.
  • Puy de Dôme: Puy de Dôme is an iconic volcanic peak in the Auvergne region, offering stunning panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes. Visitors can reach the summit by hiking, taking a scenic train ride, or using a cable car. Once at the top, you can explore the ancient Roman Temple of Mercury and witness the awe-inspiring volcanic landscapes.
  • Château de Murol: Situated in the town of Murol, near Nébouzat, the Château de Murol is a medieval fortress that dates back to the 13th century. This well-preserved castle offers guided tours, interactive exhibits, and medieval reenactments, allowing visitors to step back in time and experience the rich history of the region.
  • Lac Pavin: Lac Pavin is a picturesque crater lake nestled in the Massif Central mountains, close to Nébouzat. Surrounded by lush forests and scenic hiking trails, this deep blue lake is a popular spot for swimming, fishing, and picnicking. Its unique volcanic origin and tranquil setting make it an ideal destination for nature lovers.
  • Saint-Nectaire: The charming village of Saint-Nectaire, located near Nébouzat, is known for its delicious cheese of the same name. Visitors can explore the village's narrow streets, visit the Romanesque church, and indulge in a variety of local culinary delights, including the famous Saint-Nectaire cheese, which can be sampled in the town's cheese shops.
  • Château de Montlosier: Situated in the village of Corent, the Château de Montlosier is a historic castle that offers guided tours and a glimpse into the region's medieval past. The castle's strategic hilltop location provides panoramic views of the surrounding countryside, and its well-preserved architecture and picturesque gardens make it a must-visit attraction.
  • Les Grottes de Jonas: Les Grottes de Jonas, located in Saint-Pierre-Colamine near Nébouzat, is a fascinating underground cave system. Visitors can explore the network of caves, marvel at the impressive stalactites and stalagmites, and learn about the geology and history of the region through guided tours. It's a unique opportunity to discover the hidden wonders beneath the Earth's surface. These attractions near Nébouzat offer a diverse range of experiences, from exploring volcanoes and historic castles to immersing yourself in nature and savoring local delicacies.

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