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Contact Details:


Claude Arquey
87 Grand Rue Raimond Vii
Cordes Sur Ciel


2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €386






Description for B&B:

Escuelle of the Knights is a historical building dating back to the 14th century, located in the heart of the medieval city of Cordes sur Ciel (81-Tarn). Our establishment offers a perfect blend of relaxation and exploration, allowing you to immerse yourself in the charm of our city. We provide five guest rooms, each adorned with medieval decorations, complete with private bathrooms or shower rooms and toilets. As an added bonus, we offer medieval costumes for you to dress up and experience life in the Middle Ages.

During your stay, you will have ample opportunity to explore the surrounding area. We are conveniently situated just 25 km away from Albi, a city recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2010 for its historical significance. Additionally, we are also located 25 km away from Gaillac, renowned for its Gaillacois wines.

Come and indulge in a journey through time by staying with us. We assure you a warm welcome and attentive service throughout your stay. We look forward to welcoming you soon.


Appréciations pour L'Escuelle des Chevaliers, Cordes Sur Ciel:

avis chambre d'hotes
Review by: davasse saverys, Oct 31 2013 3:37PM
chambre sympathique, avec hotes très charmant nous y reviendrons prochainement dépaysement total merci claude et michel pour votre accueil à très bientot nadine et xavier
Suite de l'emission a la tv
Review by: Nathalie Vinois , Oct 30 2013 1:59PM
Bonjour a vous, j'ai vu l'émission sur les chambres d'hôtes et vous m'avez donné l'envie d'aller vous voir a nos prochaines vacances ,nous sommes aussi passionne sue tout se qui est médiéval et nous habitons en Belgique une maison qui date de 1534 que nous avons restauré le plus possible a l'identique . bravo a vous et a bientôt

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Immediately following the fortified entrance of Porte des Ormeaux, take a right.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 386 386 13 oui
(3 pers.)
2 83 91


Credit cards accepted


  • Cordes-sur-Ciel: Located right at the address mentioned, Cordes-sur-Ciel is a picturesque medieval village perched on a hilltop. Known for its well-preserved architecture, narrow streets, and stunning views of the surrounding countryside, this charming village offers a unique and romantic atmosphere.
  • Jardins des Paradis: Situated within Cordes-sur-Ciel, the Jardins des Paradis is a beautiful garden showcasing a variety of plants, flowers, and sculptures. Visitors can stroll along the pathways, relax in the peaceful surroundings, and enjoy the panoramic views of the village and the valley.
  • Charles Portal Museum: This museum, located in Cordes-sur-Ciel, provides insight into the history and heritage of the region. It displays a collection of artifacts, artwork, and documents, offering visitors a glimpse into the rich past of the village and its surrounding area.
  • Château de Penne: Just a short drive from Cordes-sur-Ciel, the Château de Penne is a medieval castle that sits atop a rocky hill overlooking the Aveyron River. Visitors can explore the ruins, enjoy the panoramic views, and learn about the castle's fascinating history.
  • Gaillac Vineyards: The Gaillac wine region is renowned for its vineyards and wine production. Located a short distance from Cordes-sur-Ciel, visitors can enjoy wine tasting tours, explore the vineyards, and learn about the wine-making process while indulging in local gastronomy.
  • Albi Cathedral: Situated in the nearby city of Albi, the Albi Cathedral (Cathédrale Sainte-Cécile d'Albi) is a UNESCO World Heritage site and a masterpiece of Gothic architecture. Its imposing brick exterior and intricate interior decorations, including the largest painted surface in the world, make it a must-visit attraction.
  • Toulouse: About an hour's drive from Cordes-sur-Ciel, the vibrant city of Toulouse offers a range of attractions. From the historic Basilica of Saint-Sernin to the lively Place du Capitole, the city boasts stunning architecture, cultural sites, museums, and a vibrant food scene.
  • Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val: Located along the Aveyron River, Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val is a charming medieval town known for its picturesque streets, ancient buildings, and the Sunday market. Visitors can explore the narrow alleys, visit the 12th-century church, and discover the local crafts and produce.
  • Najac: Situated on a rocky ridge overlooking the Aveyron River, Najac is a medieval village with an impressive fortress. The Najac Castle offers guided tours, and the village itself provides an authentic glimpse into the medieval way of life, with its cobbled streets and half-timbered houses. 10. Bruniquel: Nestled in the gorges of the Aveyron River, Bruniquel is a small village characterized by its medieval architecture and natural beauty. Visitors can explore the 13th-century castle, wander through the charming streets, and enjoy hiking trails that offer breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside.