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Virginie Colin
1 Riou
Sainte- Mère- Eglise


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Price per night:

price from €70






Description for B&B:

You will have exclusive access to your own ground floor entrance to reach the rooms. Each of our rooms is furnished with a comfortable double bed (size: 160), a bathroom with a refreshing shower, and private toilet facilities. The dining room is solely dedicated to serving breakfast, which is available from 9a.m. to 10.30a.m. Additionally, we provide an outdoor table for your convenience, should you wish to enjoy a picnic during your stay.

Description for Gite

We are delighted to present to you our spacious and inviting family Gite located in (location), featuring charming original old bricks. This comfortable retreat offers a generous 100m² of living space, accommodating 6 to 8 people.

On the ground floor, you will find a welcoming living room complete with a convertible couch, TV, Hi-Fi, and DVD player. The American style kitchen is fully equipped with a dishwasher, electric oven, microwave, fridge, and washing machine, ensuring all your culinary needs are met.

The ground floor also boasts a cozy bedroom with a comfortable 160x200 bed, as well as a stylish bathroom with an Italian style shower. Moving upstairs, you will discover a spacious wardrobe room, a second bedroom with a 140x200 bed, and a third room with two cozy beds measuring 90x190 each.

Rest assured, each bed comes with its own pillow and duvet, and if desired, you have the option to rent bedclothes for your convenience.

Surrounded by natural beauty, our Gite offers a delightful enclosed garden complete with a table and chairs for outdoor dining, as well as a BBQ for those who enjoy grilling. Additionally, we have thoughtfully provided a dedicated play area for your children, as well as a table tennis table for hours of entertainment.


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If traveling by car from Paris, which is approximately 300 km away, follow these directions:

1. Head in the direction of Caen (A13) and then continue towards Cherbourg (RN13).
2. Take the exit for Sainte Mère Eglise and continue on Général De Gaulle Avenue (D67).
3. Afterward, turn right towards Ravenoville on the D15, which is about 1.30 km away.
4. Finally, turn left at FERME RIOU.

For GPS users, the coordinates are as follows:
- Longitude: 1° 18 52.1" W
- Latitude: 49° 25 16.2" N
- Altitude: 31 m



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 70 85
(3 pers.)
1 65 100 15
Holiday Home 1 350 590 NON


Animals Allowed


  • Airborne Museum: Located in Sainte-Mère-Église, the Airborne Museum is a must-visit for history enthusiasts. It offers an immersive experience into the events surrounding the D-Day invasion during World War II, focusing on the American paratroopers who landed in this area.
  • Utah Beach: Situated just a few kilometers from Sainte-Mère-Église, Utah Beach is one of the key landing sites of the Normandy Invasion. It is now a peaceful beach with a museum, offering visitors a chance to learn about the D-Day landings and the bravery of the soldiers involved.
  • Sainte-Mère-Église Church: The famous church in Sainte-Mère-Église gained international recognition due to the paratrooper John Steele, who got caught on its steeple during the D-Day invasion. A mannequin representing him can still be seen hanging from the church as a reminder of this historic event.
  • Normandy Tank Museum: Situated in Catz, just a short drive from Sainte-Mère-Église, the Normandy Tank Museum is a paradise for military vehicle enthusiasts. It houses an impressive collection of tanks, armored vehicles, and military equipment from various periods.
  • La Maison du Biscuit: Located in Sortosville-en-Beaumont, this charming biscuit shop offers a wide variety of delicious homemade cookies, cakes, and other treats. It's a great place to indulge in some traditional French pastries and take home some sweet souvenirs.
  • Cité de la Mer: Although a bit further away in Cherbourg-en-Cotentin, Cité de la Mer is worth the visit. This maritime museum showcases the rich history of Cherbourg and its relationship with the sea. It also features an impressive aquarium with diverse marine life and a decommissioned nuclear submarine that visitors can explore.
  • Château de Bricquebec: Situated in Bricquebec, approximately 30 kilometers from Sainte-Mère-Église, this medieval castle offers a glimpse into the region's past. Visitors can explore its towers, courtyard, and gardens, and learn about the castle's fascinating history.
  • La Cité de la Mer: Located in Granville, La Cité de la Mer is an educational and entertaining maritime museum. It showcases the history of ocean exploration, including exhibits on deep-sea diving, underwater ecosystems, and the Titanic. The museum also features an aquarium with various marine species.
  • Tatihou Island: Situated off the coast of Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue, Tatihou Island is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Visitors can explore the island's nature reserve, visit the maritime museum, and enjoy beautiful coastal views. During low tide, a causeway allows access to the island; otherwise, a small boat is available for transport. 10. La Glacerie: Located near Cherbourg-en-Cotentin, La Glacerie is known for its picturesque landscapes and charming rural atmosphere. Visitors can enjoy hiking or cycling through the scenic countryside, and there are several historic sites and manor houses to discover in the area.

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