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Anne Rey
6 Boulevard De Strasbourg


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  • Albi Cathedral: Located in the heart of Albi, the Cathedral of Sainte-Cécile is an impressive UNESCO World Heritage site. It is the largest brick-built cathedral in the world, known for its beautiful Gothic architecture and stunning frescoes.
  • Toulouse-Lautrec Museum: This museum is dedicated to the works of the renowned painter Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, who was born in Albi. It houses an extensive collection of his paintings, drawings, and posters, providing insight into his life and artistic career.
  • Berbie Palace: Adjacent to the Albi Cathedral, the Berbie Palace is a fortified bishop's palace dating back to the 13th century. It now serves as the Museum of Albi, showcasing a diverse range of art, including sculptures, paintings, and archaeological artifacts.
  • Old Town of Albi: Take a stroll through the charming streets of Albi's Old Town, where you can admire well-preserved medieval architecture and half-timbered houses. Explore the narrow alleys, visit local shops, and enjoy the lively atmosphere of this historic district.
  • Saint-Salvi Collegiate Church: This Romanesque church, founded in the 11th century, features a beautiful cloister and stunning stained glass windows. It offers a peaceful and serene atmosphere, perfect for a moment of reflection or appreciation of the architecture.
  • Pont Vieux: Albi's Old Bridge, known as Pont Vieux, spans the Tarn River and offers picturesque views of the city and its surroundings. Dating back to the 11th century, it is one of the oldest bridges in France and has become an iconic symbol of Albi.
  • Laperouse Museum: Discover the fascinating story of Jean-François de Galaup, comte de Lapérouse, a famous French explorer, and navigator at this museum. Exhibits display his life, voyages, and the scientific discoveries made during his exploration of the Pacific.
  • Le Jardin National de l'Albigeois: Escape the hustle and bustle of the city in this tranquil garden. Located near the Tarn River, it offers a peaceful retreat with beautiful flowerbeds, walking paths, and shaded areas. A perfect spot for a picnic or a leisurely stroll.
  • Albi Golf Club: For golf enthusiasts, the Albi Golf Club is a great option for a day of outdoor activity. This beautiful 18-hole golf course is set in a scenic landscape and offers a challenging game for players of all levels. 10. Sidobre: Situated approximately 50 kilometers from Albi, Sidobre is a unique natural site known for its massive granite formations. Explore the enchanting landscape, visit the famous Peyro Clabado balancing rock, and enjoy various hiking trails in this geological wonderland.