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Richard Desbois
C132 Chemin de Romieu


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Price per night:

price from €95






Description for B&B:

Here is the rewritten description:

The room is furnished with a double bed (160cm) in the main room and a single bed in the antechamber. It also includes a TV and internet access.
For the room equipped with a double bed (160cm), internet access is available at the reception.
The Family Suite consists of two connecting rooms. The suite includes a room with a 160cm bed and an en-suite bathroom, and a connecting room with three 90cm beds. Internet access is provided in the room.

Description for Gite

This charming independent accommodation offers a spacious 50 M² area that comfortably accommodates up to 4 people. It also includes a lovely terrace and a private garden for your exclusive enjoyment. Inside, you will find a well-furnished space featuring:
- A cozy bedroom with a comfortable double bed (140cm)
- Another bedroom with two single beds (90cm)
- A living area with a convenient kitchenette for all your culinary needs.
Additionally, the accommodation is equipped with a bathroom, washing machine, TV, and internet access to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable stay.


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To start your journey, leave Arles and drive towards Saintes Maries de la Mer on the D570 road. Once you reach the junction at Salins de Giraud, continue on the D36 road for approximately 6 km towards Sambuc. Afterward, make a right turn onto C132 Romieu path and travel for about 2 km. You will find the house of the Rice on your left-hand side. The GPS coordinates for the location are 43°3626"N - 4°3810"E.



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  • Amphitheatre of Arles: Located within walking distance from C132 Chemin de Romieu, the Amphitheatre of Arles is a well-preserved Roman structure that dates back to the 1st century AD. It is a popular tourist attraction known for its impressive architecture and hosts various events and performances.
  • Ancient Theatre of Arles: Another Roman marvel, the Ancient Theatre of Arles is a semi-circular amphitheater that once accommodated over 10,000 spectators. Today, it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and hosts cultural events and concerts during the summer months.
  • Alyscamps: A historic Roman necropolis, Alyscamps is a picturesque site with rows of ancient sarcophagi and tombs. It has been an inspiration to many artists, including Vincent van Gogh, who painted several works depicting this atmospheric cemetery.
  • Van Gogh Foundation: Located in the heart of Arles, the Van Gogh Foundation is dedicated to the life and work of the famous Dutch painter, Vincent van Gogh. The museum exhibits a collection of his original artwork and provides insights into his time spent in Arles.
  • Saint-Trophime Church: Situated in the center of Arles, the Saint-Trophime Church is a stunning example of Romanesque architecture. It features intricate sculptures and a cloister that showcases exceptional craftsmanship.
  • Arles Museum of Ancient Arles: This museum houses an extensive collection of ancient artifacts discovered in and around Arles. Visitors can explore various exhibits that trace the city's history from prehistoric times to the Roman era.
  • Vincent van Gogh's Yellow House: Although it is not open to the public, the Yellow House holds significant historical value as it was once the residence of Vincent van Gogh. The artist lived here for a period and produced some of his most famous works during his time in Arles.
  • Espace Van Gogh: Originally a hospital where Vincent van Gogh was treated after he famously cut off his ear, Espace Van Gogh is now a cultural center. The building showcases contemporary art exhibitions and hosts events throughout the year.
  • Cryptoporticus: Beneath the Place de la République in Arles lies the Cryptoporticus, a fascinating underground gallery. This Roman structure supported the city's forum and is now an intriguing archaeological site open to the public. 10. Arles Market: For a taste of local culture, head to the Arles Market held on Saturday mornings. It is a vibrant and lively market where you can find fresh produce, regional delicacies, crafts, and more. These attractions offer a mix of ancient Roman history, art, culture, and the chance to explore the beauty of Arles and its surroundings.

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