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Patricia huchot-boissier
46 Faubourg du Moustier


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Price per night:

price from €75






Description for B&B:

Welcome to 46 FM, the Montauban Guest House. Our guest house is situated at 46 Faubourg du Moustier, which happens to be the oldest avenue in Montauban. Whether you're planning to stay for just one night or an entire week, our townhouse located in the historical heart of the city is the perfect accommodation for you. Conveniently, you won't even need a car to explore the fascinating town of Ingres and Bourdelle.

Our space offers a comfortable and spacious 40 m2 area, which includes a 20m2 bedroom with a double bed of 160 and a 14m2 office equipped with a table, a microwave, a fridge, and a bathroom with a WC and bathtub. Additionally, we provide free WiFi internet access for your convenience.

Whether you're a tourist, artist, journalist, or a commercial professional, we invite you to experience a delightful stay at 46 FM.


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extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 75 200 280 oui




  • Montauban Cathedral - Located in the heart of Montauban, this stunning cathedral dates back to the 17th century. It features impressive architecture, intricate stained glass windows, and beautiful frescoes.
  • Ingres Museum - Dedicated to the works of the renowned painter Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, this museum showcases a comprehensive collection of his art. Visitors can admire his famous portraits and appreciate the museum's elegant setting.
  • Pont Vieux - The Pont Vieux is a picturesque medieval bridge spanning the Tarn River. It offers a scenic view of the city and is a popular spot for a leisurely stroll or capturing some memorable photographs.
  • Place Nationale - This grand square is the main hub of Montauban. It is lined with elegant arcaded buildings and is home to various cafes and shops. The square often hosts events and markets, making it a vibrant and lively place to visit.
  • Jardin des Plantes - A peaceful oasis in the city, the Jardin des Plantes is a beautifully landscaped botanical garden. Visitors can explore its lush greenery, fragrant flowers, and charming pathways, perfect for a relaxing walk or picnic.
  • Musee d'Histoire Naturelle Victor Brun - This natural history museum showcases a diverse collection of fossils, minerals, and specimens from the region. It offers insights into the local flora, fauna, and geology, making it an educational visit for nature enthusiasts.
  • Musée Ingres Bourdelle - Housed in a former bishop's palace, this museum exhibits a collection of sculptures and artworks by Ingres and his student, Antoine Bourdelle. It provides a fascinating insight into the artistic evolution of these renowned artists.
  • Canal de Montech - A short distance from Montauban, this picturesque canal is a popular spot for boating, cycling, and walking. Visitors can admire the tranquil waters, lush surroundings, and often spot colorful barges passing by.
  • Château de Gramont - Situated in the nearby village of Gramont, this castle dates back to the 13th century. It offers guided tours, allowing visitors to explore its well-preserved architecture, beautiful gardens, and learn about its rich history. 10. Eglise Saint-Jacques - Located in the heart of Montauban, this historic church showcases a blend of Gothic and Renaissance architectural styles. It houses beautiful stained glass windows and intricate sculptures, making it a must-visit for art and history lovers.

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