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Le Bourg


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price from €72






Description for B&B:

Welcome to our delightful guesthouse, where Isabelle and François invite you to experience a tranquil and serene atmosphere. Nestled in a peaceful and secure setting, our establishment offers four charming guest rooms. Whether you are seeking a rejuvenating spa treatment in JONZAC (10 km) or planning a getaway in the picturesque region of Charente Maritime, our cozy accommodations promise a restful and enjoyable stay.


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To reach Ozillac from Paris, take Highway A10 and exit at PONS JONZAC. Follow the signs towards Jonzac town center and continue towards Montlieu on D. 134. Once you reach Montendre, take Highway A10 towards Bordeaux and exit at Montendre. From there, follow the signs towards CHARD to reach your destination in Ozillac.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 72 oui
(3 pers.)
2 82 20 oui
Apartment 4 140 oui


Swimming Pool


  • Cognac: Located around 20 kilometers from Le Bourg, Cognac is renowned for its world-famous brandy production. Visitors can explore the historic distilleries, take guided tours, and even participate in tastings to learn about the fascinating process of making Cognac.
  • Saintes: Situated approximately 25 kilometers away, Saintes is a picturesque town with a rich Roman heritage. The impressive Roman Amphitheatre, the Arch of Germanicus, and the Abbaye aux Dames are must-visit attractions. Saintes also offers charming streets, shops, and restaurants that showcase the local lifestyle.
  • La Rochelle: Positioned about 80 kilometers from Le Bourg, La Rochelle is a vibrant coastal city known for its maritime history. The Old Port, with its picturesque waterfront, is a popular spot for strolling and enjoying fresh seafood. Don't miss the iconic Towers of La Rochelle and the beautiful beachside promenade.
  • Rochefort: Located around 60 kilometers away, Rochefort is a historical naval town with fascinating naval museums and shipyards. The Corderie Royale, an old rope factory, now serves as a maritime museum, and the Hermione, a replica of a famous 18th-century frigate, is a must-see attraction for maritime enthusiasts.
  • Pons: Situated approximately 30 kilometers from Le Bourg, Pons is a charming medieval town nestled on the banks of the Seugne River. Its well-preserved medieval architecture, including the Donjon de Pons (Pons Keep) and the Saint-Vivien Church, make it a delightful destination for history lovers.
  • Talmont-sur-Gironde: Positioned around 40 kilometers away, Talmont-sur-Gironde is a picturesque village perched on a cliff overlooking the Gironde estuary. Its narrow streets, quaint houses, and the impressive Church of Sainte-Radegonde make it a perfect spot for a leisurely stroll and enjoying panoramic views.
  • Royan: Located approximately 70 kilometers from Le Bourg, Royan is a popular seaside resort town known for its beautiful sandy beaches and Belle Époque architecture. Visitors can relax on the beaches, explore the vibrant market, and visit the modernist Notre-Dame de Royan Church. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from historical landmarks to coastal beauty, ensuring there's something for everyone near Le Bourg, Chaunac, France.

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