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Spindler Thierry
108 Rue du Général de Gaulle


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price from €50





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Description for Gite

This cozy 70m² shelter offers comfortable accommodation for 2 to 4 people in a beautifully renovated 2007 Alsatian house, located in the charming city of Kaysersberg. Situated in a serene street in the city center, it is conveniently close to amenities and parking facilities. We warmly welcome pets and offer flexible pricing based on the number of guests. Explore various activities such as visiting Christmas markets, wine cellars, enjoying hiking trails, or playing golf. Additionally, ski resorts are just 15 km away for winter enthusiasts.


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The charming village of Kaysersberg Voges is situated between Strasbourg and Mulhouse, approximately 10km away from Colmar. To reach this picturesque destination, take the exit from the highway and follow the signs towards Houssen neck of man.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 50 70 350 480
Holiday Home 1 50 70 350 480


Animals Allowed


  • Château de Kaysersberg: A medieval castle located in the heart of Kaysersberg, offering panoramic views of the village and surrounding vineyards.
  • Église Sainte-Croix: A beautiful Gothic church featuring intricate stained glass windows and a peaceful atmosphere.
  • Museé Albert Schweitzer: A museum dedicated to the life and work of Albert Schweitzer, a Nobel Peace Prize laureate and philosopher. The museum showcases his medical equipment and personal belongings.
  • Vieille Ville de Kaysersberg: The old town of Kaysersberg, characterized by its charming cobblestone streets, half-timbered houses, and picturesque squares. It is perfect for leisurely strolls and exploring local shops.
  • Sentier Viticole de Kaysersberg: A scenic wine trail that winds through the vineyards surrounding Kaysersberg. Visitors can enjoy breathtaking views, learn about the local winemaking process, and even sample some delicious Alsace wines.
  • Musée du Vignoble et des Vins d'Alsace: A museum dedicated to the rich wine heritage of Alsace. It offers interactive exhibits, wine tastings, and educational displays about the region's wine production.
  • Fontaine Constantin: A historic fountain located in the center of Kaysersberg. It is adorned with sculptures and is a popular meeting point for locals and tourists alike.
  • Château de Wineck: A ruined medieval castle situated on a hilltop overlooking Kaysersberg. Visitors can explore the castle remains and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Parc Albert Schweitzer: A peaceful park named after Albert Schweitzer, located on the outskirts of Kaysersberg. It offers beautiful walking paths, picnic areas, and a tranquil atmosphere. 10. Maison Faller Alsace Tradition: A traditional Alsatian house converted into a shop, showcasing local crafts, souvenirs, and regional delicacies. It is a great place to find unique gifts and taste local specialties.

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