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Vancoellie Michel
6 Route des Cercins


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Price per night:

price from €55






Description for B&B:

The two rooms offer a cozy and comfortable ambiance. One room is furnished with a bed suitable for accommodating two people, while the other room features two beds, ideal for one adult. Additionally, you will find a bathroom equipped with a toilet, a spacious kitchen and dining area, a covered terrace, a barbecue facility, and a beautiful garden filled with a diverse collection of vibrant flowers. Access to wifi is available, ensuring convenient connectivity whenever possible.

Description for Gite

This charming cottage is thoughtfully designed to comfortably accommodate up to four guests. (Please refer to our Bed and Breakfast listing for more information.)


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To reach Bordeaux, you can take the RD or train station Lesparre, which has been serving the city since 1215. Another option is to utilize the tray crossing the Gironde estuary, which connects 17 Royan to La Pointe de Grave, and then continue your journey to Bordeaux. Additionally, you can also reach Bordeaux via the 33 Bordeaux Airport.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: 50 euros in June
Holiday Home 1 400 650 non


Disabled Access
Animals Allowed


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