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Reine & Richard
27 Le Carrelier
Mirandol Bourgnounac


5 reviews

Price per night:

price from €85






Description for B&B:

This description is for a pleasant and cozy room that features a canopy bed measuring 160 cms. The room has a direct access to the terrace and garden, allowing guests to enjoy the outdoor space. The room is equipped with a small refrigerator, as well as facilities for making coffee, tea, and herbal tea. Guests can also enjoy the convenience of free wireless internet and a TV in a separate living area. The room includes an ensuite shower room with a shower, toilet, and a hairdryer. Additionally, if needed, there is an option to request an adjoining room for a third person.


Appréciations pour Le Puits d'Amour, Mirandol Bourgnounac:

chambres d'hôtes de Reine et Richard
Review by: Vernis--Maupilier, Avr 17 2016 10:07PM
c'est devenu notre meilleur repère dans cette magnifique région, on est reçu comme des princes, chambres coquettes et douillettes, literie ultra confortable, et un accueil chaleureux et généreux à chaque fois, c'est un endroit fabuleux, donc tout comme nous à faire et refaire!!
Une étape reposante
Review by: reynaud, Juin 4 2015 9:41AM
un accueil chaleureux une chambre
Joliment décorée un sans faute adresse à recommander
Sejour au puit d'amour
Review by: clement, Aou 24 2013 3:30PM
Nous sommes trois et avons passé deux jours au puit d'amour: c'est dans un lieu très charmant et calme. Les hotes, Reine et Richard sont très acceuillants et intéréssants. Les chambres sont très spatieuses, confortables et propres. Les petits dejeunes sont très très bons et gourmands. La table d'hote est exellente, bref un sejour parfait passé au puit d'amour :)
Séjour récent
Review by: FEKKAR, Fev 6 2013 10:59PM
Aux confins du Tarn et de l'Aveyron, se trouve Le Carrelier.
Un cadre magnifique, un accueil chaleureux et convivial.
Une chambre d'hôtes de qualité qui se transforme en table d'amis, autour des plats somptueux de Reine, inspirée par sa culture méditerranéenne.
Bref un sans-faute orchestré par Richard et Reine.
Une belle tranche d'humanité.
Séjour dans le gîte du Carrelié
Review by: Barbé Christine, Aou 7 2012 8:26PM
Un lieu fait de bonheur! La gentillesse de nos hôtes n'avait d'égal que la douceur du paysage! Tout était tendre et bon dans ce petit village du Tarn. N'hésitez pas à vous éloigner des sentiers battus et découvrez Le Carrelié!

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To find the hamlet "Le Carrelier" in Mirandol Bourgnounac (81190), follow these directions:

From the exit sign Mirandol towards Salvetat, travel 700m and then turn right towards "Le Carrelier". Continue for 2 kilometers until you reach the village. The house you are looking for is located at No. 27 on the right side of the road.

You can also use the following GPS coordinates to guide you:
Latitude: 44° 0905.56 N
Longitude: 2° 1142.86 E



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 85 90 510 540 oui
Notes: Possibility of bedroom with mezzanine for 4 people (1 double bed + 2 single beds upstairs) on request




  • Château du Bosc: Located in nearby Saint-Cirgue, Château du Bosc is a stunning medieval castle surrounded by beautiful countryside. Visitors can explore the castle's architecture, walk through its picturesque gardens, and learn about its rich history.
  • Cordes-sur-Ciel: Situated approximately 15 kilometers away from Mirandol Bourgnounac, Cordes-sur-Ciel is a picturesque hilltop village known for its medieval charm. The village offers narrow cobblestone streets, well-preserved medieval buildings, and stunning views of the surrounding vineyards.
  • Albi Cathedral: Located in the city of Albi, about 30 kilometers from Mirandol Bourgnounac, Albi Cathedral is a masterpiece of Gothic architecture. The cathedral's imposing pink-brick exterior and intricate interior design make it a must-visit attraction in the region.
  • Toulouse-Lautrec Museum: Situated in Albi, the Toulouse-Lautrec Museum is dedicated to the life and works of the renowned artist Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. The museum houses an impressive collection of the artist's paintings, drawings, and posters, providing insight into his unique style.
  • Gaillac Vineyards: Just a short drive from Mirandol Bourgnounac, the Gaillac region is famous for its vineyards and wineries. Visitors can take wine tours, taste local varieties, and learn about the winemaking process while enjoying the scenic countryside.
  • Sainte-Cécile d'Albi Church: Also located in Albi, Sainte-Cécile d'Albi Church is another architectural gem. This massive fortress-like church features stunning frescoes, intricate woodwork, and a beautifully decorated interior.
  • Cap'Découverte: Situated in Le Garric, Cap'Découverte is a recreational park offering a range of outdoor activities. Visitors can enjoy swimming, go-karting, zip-lining, and even skiing on an artificial slope, making it a great option for families and adventure enthusiasts.
  • Bruniquel Castle: Located in the village of Bruniquel, this medieval castle offers panoramic views of the Aveyron River Valley. Visitors can explore the castle's ruins, visit the museum inside, and immerse themselves in the rich history of the region.
  • Monesties: A charming village located approximately 20 kilometers from Mirandol Bourgnounac, Monesties is known for its well-preserved medieval houses and historic center. Strolling through its narrow streets, visitors can admire the traditional architecture and visit the local church. 10. Peyrusse-le-Roc: Situated about 40 kilometers from Mirandol Bourgnounac, Peyrusse-le-Roc is a captivating medieval village in the Aveyron department. It features remarkable ruins of a castle, a church, and other historic structures, making it an ideal destination for history enthusiasts.

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