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François Costes
5 Le Claux
Saint Jean D'alcapiès


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price from €300






Description for Gite

Welcome to the charming cottage Gabrielle, situated in the quaint village of Saint Jean d'Alcapiès, nestled in the picturesque Larzac region. This delightful abode is conveniently located at the base of the renowned Roquefort caves and a mere 25 km away from the awe-inspiring Millau Viaduct. Offering an authentic experience, the cottage Gabrielle invites you to enjoy its comfortable accommodation, perfect for accommodating up to four guests. Whether you choose to visit during the warm summer months or the cozy winter season, we are here to provide you with a memorable stay.


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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Holiday Home 1 50 50 300 350 10


Animals Allowed


  • Roquefort-sur-Soulzon (8.5 km): Located nearby, Roquefort-sur-Soulzon is famous for its production of Roquefort cheese. Visitors can explore the traditional cheese cellars, learn about the cheese-making process, and taste various types of Roquefort cheese.
  • Millau Viaduct (19 km): The Millau Viaduct is an architectural marvel and one of the tallest bridges in the world. Spanning the Tarn Valley, it offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape. Visitors can drive across the viaduct or admire it from the viewpoints and visitor center.
  • Gorges du Tarn (25 km): The Gorges du Tarn is a breathtaking natural attraction, offering picturesque views of steep cliffs, crystal-clear waters, and lush greenery. Visitors can enjoy activities like hiking, kayaking, and swimming, or simply relax and take in the beautiful scenery.
  • Micropolis - La Cité des Insectes (32 km): Micropolis is a unique insect-themed park and museum, dedicated to educating visitors about the world of insects. It features interactive exhibits, live displays of various insect species, and a butterfly greenhouse.
  • Sainte Eulalie de Cernon (38 km): This medieval village is a historical gem, known for its well-preserved Templar Commandery. Visitors can wander through the narrow streets lined with ancient buildings, visit the Commandery museum, and learn about the fascinating history of the Knights Templar.
  • Saint-Affrique (39 km): Located on the banks of the river Sorgue, Saint-Affrique is a charming town with a rich history. It offers attractions such as the Gothic-style Church of Saint-Affrique, the medieval Tour de Monaco, and the local market, where visitors can sample regional products.
  • Peyre (41 km): Peyre is a picturesque village perched on a cliff overlooking the Tarn River. Known for its traditional stone houses and narrow streets, it offers a glimpse into rural French life. Visitors can enjoy panoramic views, explore the village, and visit the Church of Sainte-Juliette.
  • Viaduc de Sainte-Eulalie-de-Cernon (43 km): This ancient viaduct was once part of a railway line and is now a popular tourist attraction. It offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside and provides a great spot for photography and picnics.
  • La Couvertoirade (46 km): La Couvertoirade is a well-preserved medieval village with fortified walls, narrow streets, and ancient buildings. Visitors can explore the village, visit the Templar and Hospitaller Knights museum, and enjoy panoramic views from the ramparts. 10. Hermitage Saint-Michel (48 km): Located on top of a rocky peak, the Hermitage Saint-Michel is a historic pilgrimage site. Visitors can hike to the hermitage, which offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside, and explore the small chapel and hermit cells. Note: Distances mentioned are approximate from the provided address. It is recommended to verify the exact locations and opening hours of each attraction before visiting.

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